quantum-elixir / quantum-core

:watch: Cron-like job scheduler for Elixir
Apache License 2.0
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multiple apps in libcluster, quantum does not identifies which node to select #605

Open marinakr opened 4 months ago

marinakr commented 4 months ago

Hi there, I have few applications running in cluster which able to call each other Assume I have apps api-server, intergation-server I have quantum used in app intergation-server I have few nodes of api-server and few nodes intergation-server in intergation-server config, I have settings in config

config :intergation-server, IntergationServer.Scheduler,
timeout: :infinity,
  overlap: false,
  global: true,
  jobs: [
  {"1 * * * *", ... } <- Every hour 

Nodes visible in :intergation-server:

iex(app@> Node.list
:"app@**.**.**.**2"  # <- node of :intergation-server
:"app@**-**-**-***.api.pod.cluster.local", # <- node of :api-server
 :"app@**-**-**-***.api.pod.cluster.local", # <- node of :api-server
 :"app@**-**-**-***.api.pod.cluster.local" # <- node of :api-server

I can see job (for application intergation-server) is triggering once in few hours, I assume nodes of another application (api-server) included in when Quantum.RunStrategy.Random select node to run

Node list gets all nodes available: https://github.com/quantum-elixir/quantum-core/blob/main/lib/quantum/run_strategy/random.ex#L46

maennchen commented 4 months ago

That is correct. We can’t differentiate the nodes.

If you have a good idea how to do that, please open a PR. Otherwise you‘ll have to implement a custom strategy for your project that chooses from the correct nodes.

Btw: The option global no longer exists.

marinakr commented 4 months ago

I ll add PR (implemented custom strategy, will add PR in process how to do it in Random) global should be removed from documentation in this case