quantum6 / Android-USB-OTG-Camera

Apache License 2.0
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How to View the Bayer Formats ? #10

Open krithick14 opened 1 year ago

krithick14 commented 1 year ago


I came to know that there is support for Bayer Formats in the libuvc library But When I try to Use those Formats I got a blank Screen


libuvc - Stream.c file (https://github.com/libuvc/libuvc/blob/master/src/stream.c)


Can you please Clarify that how to use those Formats?

FYI - I am Using OVT 0H01A10 Image Sensor

Thanks in Advance

quantum6 commented 1 year ago

Try this: https://github.com/quantum6/Android-UVC-Camera-Bulk-Transfer