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Python package for stochastic simulations
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Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 38 #281

Closed pyup-bot closed 1 month ago

pyup-bot commented 1 month ago

Update pillow from 10.2.0 to 10.4.0.

Changelog ### 10.4.0 ``` ------------------- - Raise FileNotFoundError if show_file() path does not exist 8178 [radarhere] - Improved reading 16-bit TGA images with colour 7965 [Yay295, radarhere] - Deprecate non-image ImageCms modes 8031 [radarhere] - Fixed processing multiple JPEG EXIF markers 8127 [radarhere] - Do not preserve EXIFIFD tag by default when saving TIFF images 8110 [radarhere] - Added ImageFont.load_default_imagefont() 8086 [radarhere] - Added Image.WARN_POSSIBLE_FORMATS 8063 [radarhere] - Remove zero-byte end padding when parsing any XMP data 8171 [radarhere] - Do not detect Ultra HDR images as MPO 8056 [radarhere] - Raise SyntaxError specific to JP2 8146 [Yay295, radarhere] - Do not use first frame duration for other frames when saving APNG images 8104 [radarhere] - Consider I;16 pixel size when using a 1 mode mask 8112 [radarhere] - When saving multiple PNG frames, convert to mode rather than raw mode 8087 [radarhere] - Added byte support to FreeTypeFont 8141 [radarhere] - Allow float center for rotate operations 8114 [radarhere] - Do not read layers immediately when opening PSD images 8039 [radarhere] - Restore original thread state 8065 [radarhere] - Read IM and TIFF images as RGB, rather than RGBX 7997 [radarhere] - Only preserve TIFF IPTC_NAA_CHUNK tag if type is BYTE or UNDEFINED 7948 [radarhere] - Clarify ImageDraw2 error message when size is missing 8165 [radarhere] - Support unpacking more rawmodes to RGBA palettes 7966 [radarhere] - Removed support for Qt 5 8159 [radarhere] - Improve ``ImageFont.freetype`` support for XDG directories on Linux 8135 [mamg22, radarhere] - Improved consistency of XMP handling 8069 [radarhere] - Use pkg-config to help find libwebp and raqm 8142 [radarhere] - Accept 't' suffix for libtiff version 8126, 8129 [radarhere] - Deprecate ImageDraw.getdraw hints parameter 8124 [radarhere, hugovk] - Added ImageDraw circle() 8085 [void4, hugovk, radarhere] - Add mypy target to Makefile 8077 [Yay295] - Added more modes to Image.MODES 7984 [radarhere] - Deprecate BGR;15, BGR;16 and BGR;24 modes 7978 [radarhere, hugovk] - Fix ImagingAccess for I;16N on big-endian 7921 [Yay295, radarhere] - Support reading P mode TIFF images with padding 7996 [radarhere] - Deprecate support for libtiff < 4 7998 [radarhere, hugovk] - Corrected ImageShow UnixViewer command 7987 [radarhere] - Use functools.cached_property in ImageStat 7952 [nulano, hugovk, radarhere] - Add support for reading BITMAPV2INFOHEADER and BITMAPV3INFOHEADER 7956 [Cirras, radarhere] - Support reading CMYK JPEG2000 images 7947 [radarhere] ``` ### 10.3.0 ``` ------------------- - CVE-2024-28219: Use ``strncpy`` to avoid buffer overflow 7928 [radarhere, hugovk] - Deprecate ``eval()``, replacing it with ``lambda_eval()`` and ``unsafe_eval()`` 7927 [radarhere, hugovk] - Raise ``ValueError`` if seeking to greater than offset-sized integer in TIFF 7883 [radarhere] - Add ``--report`` argument to ``__main__.py`` to omit supported formats 7818 [nulano, radarhere, hugovk] - Added RGB to I;16, I;16L, I;16B and I;16N conversion 7918, 7920 [radarhere] - Fix editable installation with custom build backend and configuration options 7658 [nulano, radarhere] - Fix putdata() for I;16N on big-endian 7209 [Yay295, hugovk, radarhere] - Determine MPO size from markers, not EXIF data 7884 [radarhere] - Improved conversion from RGB to RGBa, LA and La 7888 [radarhere] - Support FITS images with GZIP_1 compression 7894 [radarhere] - Use I;16 mode for 9-bit JPEG 2000 images 7900 [scaramallion, radarhere] - Raise ValueError if kmeans is negative 7891 [radarhere] - Remove TIFF tag OSUBFILETYPE when saving using libtiff 7893 [radarhere] - Raise ValueError for negative values when loading P1-P3 PPM images 7882 [radarhere] - Added reading of JPEG2000 palettes 7870 [radarhere] - Added alpha_quality argument when saving WebP images 7872 [radarhere] - Fixed joined corners for ImageDraw rounded_rectangle() non-integer dimensions 7881 [radarhere] - Stop reading EPS image at EOF marker 7753 [radarhere] - PSD layer co-ordinates may be negative 7706 [radarhere] - Use subprocess with CREATE_NO_WINDOW flag in ImageShow WindowsViewer 7791 [radarhere] - When saving GIF frame that restores to background color, do not fill identical pixels 7788 [radarhere] - Fixed reading PNG iCCP compression method 7823 [radarhere] - Allow writing IFDRational to UNDEFINED tag 7840 [radarhere] - Fix logged tag name when loading Exif data 7842 [radarhere] - Use maximum frame size in IHDR chunk when saving APNG images 7821 [radarhere] - Prevent opening P TGA images without a palette 7797 [radarhere] - Use palette when loading ICO images 7798 [radarhere] - Use consistent arguments for load_read and load_seek 7713 [radarhere] - Turn off nullability warnings for macOS SDK 7827 [radarhere] - Fix shift-sign issue in Convert.c 7838 [r-barnes, radarhere] - Open 16-bit grayscale PNGs as I;16 7849 [radarhere] - Handle truncated chunks at the end of PNG images 7709 [lajiyuan, radarhere] - Match mask size to pasted image size in GifImagePlugin 7779 [radarhere] - Release GIL while calling ``WebPAnimDecoderGetNext`` 7782 [evanmiller, radarhere] - Fixed reading FLI/FLC images with a prefix chunk 7804 [twolife] - Update wl-paste handling and return None for some errors in grabclipboard() on Linux 7745 [nik012003, radarhere] - Remove execute bit from ``setup.py`` 7760 [hugovk] - Do not support using test-image-results to upload images after test failures 7739 [radarhere] - Changed ImageMath.ops to be static 7721 [radarhere] - Fix APNG info after seeking backwards more than twice 7701 [esoma, radarhere] - Deprecate ImageCms constants and versions() function 7702 [nulano, radarhere] - Added PerspectiveTransform 7699 [radarhere] - Add support for reading and writing grayscale PFM images 7696 [nulano, hugovk] - Add LCMS2 flags to ImageCms 7676 [nulano, radarhere, hugovk] - Rename x64 to AMD64 in winbuild 7693 [nulano] ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pillow - Changelog: https://data.safetycli.com/changelogs/pillow/
pyup-bot commented 1 month ago

Closing this in favor of #282