quantumlib / Cirq

A python framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.
Apache License 2.0
4.19k stars 995 forks source link

Readthedocs is still showing docs from v0.5.0 #2543

Closed cduck closed 4 years ago

cduck commented 4 years ago


2542 pointed out that "Qudits" is missing from the menu and readthedocs says it's displaying the docs for e8f9323b (the hash of the commit tagged v0.5.0). Also the title of the page is "Cirq: A python library for NISQ circuits — Cirq 0.5.0 documentation"

@Strilanc Do you need to tell readthedocs the new stable version?

vtomole commented 4 years ago

Fixed by removing TensorFlow dependency.