quantumsheep / sshs

Terminal user interface for SSH
MIT License
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Reinstallation problem #50

Open Regdan opened 1 year ago

Regdan commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone,

I don't know why, today when i launched "SSHS", i had this error : 2023/01/30 14:37:15 strconv.Atoi: parsing "22\t": invalid syntax

So after some tries, i uninstall sshs application in order to reinstall it with chocolatey and i don't know why, it says me continually that the sshs-windows-386.exe program is using by another process.


Can you help me with thoses issues ?

quantumsheep commented 1 year ago

Hey ! Seems like you have a sshs process running on your computer. Have you tried killing the running process or rebooting your computer before reinstalling?

Regdan commented 1 year ago

Yes, i tried to reboot my computer because i don't found the running process :( . And it seems the "NuGetScratch" folder only appear when i try to install sshs :( It's as if the installer try to launch the sshs-windows-386.exe twice.

quantumsheep commented 1 year ago

Hey @jakublevy 👋 Do you have an idea?

jakublevy commented 1 year ago

I am not really sure what is happening. I've tested the package (reinstalling, upgrading) and cannot replicate the error.


  1. kill all sshs processes by executing Get-Process -Name 'sshs*' | % { Stop-Process $_ -Force }
  2. delete "$env:temp\chocolatey", "$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\sshs" and "$env:ChocolateyInstall\bin\sshs.exe"
  3. install sshs again
Regdan commented 1 year ago

Ok so, i've executed the command but nothing has been display. I've deleted all files in the specified locations.

Then there is the installation :


Nothing more :(

jakublevy commented 1 year ago

You executed "$env:temp\chocolatey", "$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\sshs" and "$env:ChocolateyInstall\bin\sshs.exe" as commands, but I meant to delete those.

You can delete them in powershell by executing

Remove-Item -Path "$env:temp\chocolatey" -Force -Recurse
Remove-Item -Path "$env:ChocolateyInstall\lib\sshs" -Force -Recurse
Remove-Item -Path "$env:ChocolateyInstall\bin\sshs.exe" -Force

So try again, first execute Get-Process -Name 'sshs*' | % { Stop-Process $_ -Force } then execute the three commands above and then try choco install sshs

Regdan commented 1 year ago

Hello guys,

Thanks for your answers and i don't know why, i tried the installation this morning and that worked.... I haven't tried the last answer of @jakublevy. Now sshs is reinstalled but now i've this error on launching :


Any ideas ?

Again, thanks for all :)

quantumsheep commented 4 months ago

@Regdan Hey! You have a tab space after your port argument in your ssh config