quarck / CalendarNotification

Android app extending calendar notifications with snooze button and notifications persistence
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Change Notification Content Based on Variables #192

Open whispy opened 7 years ago

whispy commented 7 years ago


This will allow users to customize their notifications to reflect the information that is important to them. It would enable users to tailor the app to their specific use cases (e.g. event reminders, to-do lists, etc). Additionally, if users have long events names, it would be beneficial to them if the event name could be in the notification text section, instead of the notification title section.


Allow users to change what is displayed in the notifications, based on variables they can enter in a text field. For example, %T for event time, %L for event location, %E for event name, etc.

Here is an example mockup: https://vgy.me/JOJBfK.png

Alternative easier solution

Add a toggle switch to allow event name to be written to notification text section, instead of notification title section (location and time information would not be displayed at all).

quarck commented 7 years ago

That's a great idea, thanks for suggestion. I'm very short on time at the moment (until mid-May), so work is suspended until May. Once I back to this project - I'll implement this one for sure.

whispy commented 7 years ago

There's no rush! Take your time, and thanks for making a great app! I was having issues with Calendar Snooze after upgrading to Marshmallow, and switching to your app seems to have solved them.