quarkiverse / quarkiverse-devops

Scripts to maintain Quarkiverse repositories
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Archive quarkus-elasticsearch-reactive #214

Closed gastaldi closed 7 months ago

gastaldi commented 7 months ago
github-actions[bot] commented 7 months ago

Terraform Format and Style 🖌success

Terraform Initialization ⚙️success

Terraform Validation 🤖success

Validation Output ``` Success! The configuration is valid. ```

Terraform Plan 📖success

Running plan in the remote backend. Output will stream here. Pressing Ctrl-C
will stop streaming the logs, but will not stop the plan running remotely.

Preparing the remote plan...

The remote workspace is configured to work with configuration at
terraform-scripts relative to the target repository.

Terraform will upload the contents of the following directory,
excluding files or directories as defined by a .terraformignore file
at /home/runner/work/quarkiverse-devops/quarkiverse-devops/.terraformignore (if it is present),
in order to capture the filesystem context the remote workspace expects:

To view this run in a browser, visit:

Waiting for the plan to start...

Terraform v1.7.1
on linux_amd64
Initializing plugins and modules...

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution
plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  - destroy

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # github_branch.quarkus_elasticsearch_reactive will be destroyed
  # (because github_branch.quarkus_elasticsearch_reactive is not in configuration)
  - resource "github_branch" "quarkus_elasticsearch_reactive" {
      - branch        = "main" -> null
      - etag          = "W/"2cd7d54b08a9f220137878e5425575641f429780604fd160b3fbce0b2990b4b6"" -> null
      - id            = "quarkus-elasticsearch-reactive:main" -> null
      - ref           = "refs/heads/main" -> null
      - repository    = "quarkus-elasticsearch-reactive" -> null
      - sha           = "8a23385d11d1af581e151fde9e4e41d71e61420b" -> null
      - source_branch = "main" -> null

  # github_branch_default.quarkus_elasticsearch_reactive will be destroyed
  # (because github_branch_default.quarkus_elasticsearch_reactive is not in configuration)
  - resource "github_branch_default" "quarkus_elasticsearch_reactive" {
      - branch     = "main" -> null
      - etag       = "W/"9807b959ed2ad5d95822770c6bb7fdd17f692f050d5e2695d45bb95496d948d8"" -> null
      - id         = "quarkus-elasticsearch-reactive" -> null
      - repository = "quarkus-elasticsearch-reactive" -> null

  # github_repository.quarkus_elasticsearch_reactive will be destroyed
  # (because github_repository.quarkus_elasticsearch_reactive is not in configuration)
  - resource "github_repository" "quarkus_elasticsearch_reactive" {
      - allow_auto_merge            = false -> null
      - allow_merge_commit          = true -> null
      - allow_rebase_merge          = true -> null
      - allow_squash_merge          = true -> null
      - allow_update_branch         = false -> null
      - archive_on_destroy          = true -> null
      - archived                    = false -> null
      - auto_init                   = false -> null
      - default_branch              = "main" -> null
      - delete_branch_on_merge      = true -> null
      - description                 = "Quarkus Elastic Search Reactive extension" -> null
      - etag                        = "W/"9807b959ed2ad5d95822770c6bb7fdd17f692f050d5e2695d45bb95496d948d8"" -> null
      - full_name                   = "quarkiverse/quarkus-elasticsearch-reactive" -> null
      - git_clone_url               = "git://github.com/quarkiverse/quarkus-elasticsearch-reactive.git" -> null
      - has_discussions             = false -> null
      - has_downloads               = false -> null
      - has_issues                  = true -> null
      - has_projects                = false -> null
      - has_wiki                    = false -> null
      - html_url                    = "https://github.com/quarkiverse/quarkus-elasticsearch-reactive" -> null
      - http_clone_url              = "https://github.com/quarkiverse/quarkus-elasticsearch-reactive.git" -> null
      - id                          = "quarkus-elasticsearch-reactive" -> null
      - is_template                 = false -> null
      - merge_commit_message        = "PR_TITLE" -> null
      - merge_commit_title          = "MERGE_MESSAGE" -> null
      - name                        = "quarkus-elasticsearch-reactive" -> null
      - node_id                     = "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkzODMxNzMzNTQ=" -> null
      - primary_language            = "Java" -> null
      - private                     = false -> null
      - repo_id                     = 383173354 -> null
      - squash_merge_commit_message = "COMMIT_MESSAGES" -> null
      - squash_merge_commit_title   = "COMMIT_OR_PR_TITLE" -> null
      - ssh_clone_url               = "git@github.com:quarkiverse/quarkus-elasticsearch-reactive.git" -> null
      - svn_url                     = "https://github.com/quarkiverse/quarkus-elasticsearch-reactive" -> null
      - topics                      = [
          - "quarkus-extension",
        ] -> null
      - visibility                  = "public" -> null
      - vulnerability_alerts        = true -> null
      - web_commit_signoff_required = false -> null

      - security_and_analysis {
          - secret_scanning {
              - status = "disabled" -> null
          - secret_scanning_push_protection {
              - status = "disabled" -> null

  # github_team.quarkus_elasticsearch_reactive will be destroyed
  # (because github_team.quarkus_elasticsearch_reactive is not in configuration)
  - resource "github_team" "quarkus_elasticsearch_reactive" {
      - create_default_maintainer = false -> null
      - description               = "Quarkiverse team for the elasticsearch-reactive extension" -> null
      - etag                      = "W/"3ec00db6ed8f1febf7365e5341fcb676a185f207c83305582b0502ecc951a477"" -> null
      - id                        = "4941463" -> null
      - members_count             = 1 -> null
      - name                      = "quarkiverse-elasticsearch-reactive" -> null
      - node_id                   = "MDQ6VGVhbTQ5NDE0NjM=" -> null
      - parent_team_id            = "5344029" -> null
      - parent_team_read_id       = "5344029" -> null
      - parent_team_read_slug     = "quarkiverse-members" -> null
      - privacy                   = "closed" -> null
      - slug                      = "quarkiverse-elasticsearch-reactive" -> null

  # github_team_membership.quarkus_elasticsearch_reactive["loicmathieu"] will be destroyed
  # (because github_team_membership.quarkus_elasticsearch_reactive is not in configuration)
  - resource "github_team_membership" "quarkus_elasticsearch_reactive" {
      - etag     = "W/"c01bb963f611f5ec2ced64738169096cea8e31ce4ee8c244a3df763b198b8470"" -> null
      - id       = "4941463:loicmathieu" -> null
      - role     = "maintainer" -> null
      - team_id  = "4941463" -> null
      - username = "loicmathieu" -> null

  # github_team_repository.quarkus_elasticsearch_reactive will be destroyed
  # (because github_team_repository.quarkus_elasticsearch_reactive is not in configuration)
  - resource "github_team_repository" "quarkus_elasticsearch_reactive" {
      - etag       = "W/"17860aa72600e0273a893328284116e720526464cbbcd3ff81a16ef376cde0ec"" -> null
      - id         = "4941463:quarkus-elasticsearch-reactive" -> null
      - permission = "maintain" -> null
      - repository = "quarkus-elasticsearch-reactive" -> null
      - team_id    = "4941463" -> null

Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 6 to destroy.

Pusher: @gastaldi, Action: pull_request, Workflow: Terraform

gastaldi commented 7 months ago

@loicmathieu can you approve this PR just so we can archive the quarkus-elasticsearch-reactive repository?