quarkiverse / quarkus-amazon-services

Quarkus Amazon Services extensions
Apache License 2.0
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quarkus cognito user pool extension proxy config #1261

Open maghouston opened 1 month ago

maghouston commented 1 month ago

we are trying to use quakus cognito userpool extension with a proxy. As mentioned in the documentation, we configure the proxy in the application.yaml as follow:


when running the app, we get following error: java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829)\n","errorType":"software.amazon.awssdk.services.cognitoidentityprovider.model.CognitoIdentityProviderException","**errorMessage":"Service returned HTTP status code 407 (Service: CognitoIdentityProvider, Status Code: 407, Request ID: null)**"} {"timestamp":"2024-05-06T10:08:51.137Z","sequence":865,"loggerClassName":"org.jboss.logging.Logger

We also edited JAVA_OPTS with proxyHost, proxyUser, proxyPassword and proxyPort. we still get the same issue

Could someone help us please. Thanks in advance

scrocquesel commented 1 month ago

Could you provide a bit more details on the error and the proxy's required authentication type (basic, ntlm) ? Maybe you can have more details on the 407 returned by the proxy by enabling full wire log (should be the categoy org.apache.http.wire)