quarkiverse / quarkus-azure-services

Quarkus extensions for Azure services
Apache License 2.0
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Support for Azure IoT Hub - Quarkus Dev Service #56

Open JoaoBrandao opened 1 year ago

JoaoBrandao commented 1 year ago

As Developer, Would be great to be able to have a Dev Service in Quarkus that allows me to use Azure IoT Hub without requiring any internet connection for my local environment.

As you know, Azure IoT Hub supports two types of connection:


I would like to be able to make two operations:

When sending messages to a pre-populated device it would be great to define a few properties:

quarkus.azure.iothub.device."quarkus-device1".status=enable/disable quarkus.azure.iothub.device."quarkus-device1".message.acknowledgment=true/false quarkus.azure.iothub.device."quarkus-device1".message.acknowledgment.delay=5000 (ms)

Documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/java/api/overview/azure/iot?view=azure-java-stable

ppalaga commented 1 year ago

First, this would require Azure IoT clients to be supported on Quarkus through dedicated extensions.

Second, Quarkus dev services typically (but not necessarily) use Testcontainers for mocking the backend. Do you know whether there is any Testcontainer available for Azure IoT Hub? Azurite does not seem to support it.

@agoncal does Microsoft have any strategy for delivering Testcontainers for the individual Azure services?