Bon Jova does not yet support operator precedence. This is listed as a missing feature on the, but it's a big enough omission that it also merits an issue. When operators are chained, there is no error, but the results can be incorrect according to normal mathematical rules.
Let the difference be love without your head
Let the summit be the difference plus x
is not the same as
Let the summit be love without your head plus x
Let product be a million times something times anything
Let anything be product plus y
is not the same as
Let anything be a million times something times anything plus y
Bon Jova does not yet support operator precedence. This is listed as a missing feature on the
, but it's a big enough omission that it also merits an issue. When operators are chained, there is no error, but the results can be incorrect according to normal mathematical rules.Examples
is not the same as
is not the same as