quarkiverse / quarkus-langchain4j

Quarkus Langchain4j extension
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bug: Mistral streaming mode raise a NPE if content JSON field is missing #489

Closed philippart-s closed 2 months ago

philippart-s commented 2 months ago

Hi, I use Mistral 7b model self deployed and I have the following error in streaming mode:

java.lang.NullPointerException: `emit` called with `null`.
        at io.smallrye.mutiny.operators.multi.builders.SerializedMultiEmitter.emit(SerializedMultiEmitter.java:138)
        at dev.langchain4j.service.AiServiceStreamingResponseHandler.onNext(AiServiceStreamingResponseHandler.java:53)
        at io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.mistralai.QuarkusMistralAiClient$2.accept(QuarkusMistralAiClient.java:82)
        at io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.mistralai.QuarkusMistralAiClient$2.accept(QuarkusMistralAiClient.java:76)

this seems to be due to the fact that the first JSON response line has not a content field:

- body: data: {"id":"cmpl-bb94685434ec46669cd161cc42ee5ed5","model":"Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"role":"assistant"},"finish_reason":null}]}

data: {"id":"cmpl-bb94685434ec46669cd161cc42ee5ed5","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1713899355,"model":"Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"role":null,"content":"Certain"},"finish_reason":null}]}


Perhaps it should be fine to test the presence of the content field?

geoand commented 2 months ago

@langchain4j is this a known issue on the library side?

langchain4j commented 2 months ago

@geoand I can't reproduce the missing content scenario, but it should work fine on our side:

Handling of missing content: https://github.com/langchain4j/langchain4j/blob/d34e1df9caa7747083eb927cb92283d2cc37c9e0/langchain4j-mistral-ai/src/main/java/dev/langchain4j/model/mistralai/DefaultMistralAiClient.java#L139

Test: https://github.com/langchain4j/langchain4j/blob/d34e1df9caa7747083eb927cb92283d2cc37c9e0/langchain4j/src/test/java/dev/langchain4j/service/StreamingAiServicesIT.java#L48

philippart-s commented 2 months ago

if I can add my opinion, for me the issue is here: https://github.com/quarkiverse/quarkus-langchain4j/blob/9e6f7596e23888a6e5d909ff9d5f6d086be65e5a/mistral/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkiverse/langchain4j/mistralai/QuarkusMistralAiClient.java#L82

If the chunk is null it is sent to this: https://github.com/langchain4j/langchain4j/blob/d34e1df9caa7747083eb927cb92283d2cc37c9e0/langchain4j/src/main/java/dev/langchain4j/service/AiServiceStreamingResponseHandler.java#L53

And then a NPE is thrown.

geoand commented 2 months ago

@philippart-s would you like to provide a PR with the proposed fix?

philippart-s commented 2 months ago

@philippart-s would you like to provide a PR with the proposed fix?

If you agree with my proposal, I'd love to 😉

geoand commented 2 months ago

Go right ahead :)

nhh1603 commented 2 months ago

Capture d'écran 2024-04-26 141850 Capture d'écran 2024-04-26 142545

I'm not sure if it's the same problem, but I also use Mistral 7b locally, and the problem is each time it finishes token streaming, it returns this error to me. When i inspect with Postman it seems to me that the last token has no content in it (to indicate that it's done) but somehow the code continues to pass in the onNext block which causes this IllegalArgumentException instead of entering the onComplete block. For the streaming code, I literally copied paste the one from the example.

geoand commented 2 months ago

Have you tried with 0.12.1?

nhh1603 commented 2 months ago

That is the version of which one ?

geoand commented 2 months ago

Of quarkus-langchain4j-mistral-ai

nhh1603 commented 2 months ago

Ok thanks I'll try it out and I'll let you know if the problem persists

geoand commented 2 months ago
