quarkiverse / quarkus-langchain4j

Quarkus Langchain4j extension
Apache License 2.0
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Fix wording problem #511

Closed holly-cummins closed 2 months ago

holly-cummins commented 2 months ago

I made a guess at the intended meaning, feel free to adjust if I got it wrong!

geoand commented 2 months ago

Oops, I just saw that @gastaldi had fixed the same issue!

gastaldi commented 2 months ago

assign sounds nicer than use, so it's up to you to decide which term to use 😉

gastaldi commented 2 months ago

Pardon my English, but if the intention is to use assign shouldn't it be: assign the WebSocket connection ID to the memory ID?

UPDATE: probably not, just checked some examples and it's perfectly valid as in "I didn't assign it as a distinguished work of journalism," Charles Nesson said.

holly-cummins commented 2 months ago

I had to think about it, but I think I would say either

... but I agree with @gastaldi that the middle one is a bit awkward and maybe not proper English. And I think I actually like 'use' over 'assign', because it captures a nice little internal thought process for the extension code: 'oh man, I need a web socket id, what can I use, what can I use, umm ... ooh! I found a memory id! cool, I'll use that!'

gastaldi commented 2 months ago

@holly-cummins Right, I felt use natural while reading, probably because the previous sentence also uses the same verb, so I went with that ;)

cescoffier commented 2 months ago

Can you fix the conflict?

holly-cummins commented 2 months ago

@cescoffier I've done that so that this is mergeable if we need it ... but I actually think we should close this and go with @gastaldi's version. So I've done that, too.