those two build steps are executed:
and the application ends with two instances of org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration and two instances of SQLSessionFactory; only the XML one is correctly configured, the other one has no mapped statements. It happens to be the one picked up by injection so I get "statement not bound" errors for all mapper methods.
io.quarkiverse.mybatis.runtime.MyBatisRecorder#createSqlSessionFactory called from generateSqlSessionFactory get a MyBatisruntimeConfig with xmlconfig.enabled = true, but it ignores that and doesn't load the XML.
Here are the stack traces for the two build steps:
When I enable XML config with those properties:
those two build steps are executed: io.quarkiverse.mybatis.deployment.MyBatisProcessor#generateSqlSessionFactoryFromXmlConfig io.quarkiverse.mybatis.deployment.MyBatisProcessor#generateSqlSessionFactory
and the application ends with two instances of org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration and two instances of SQLSessionFactory; only the XML one is correctly configured, the other one has no mapped statements. It happens to be the one picked up by injection so I get "statement not bound" errors for all mapper methods.
io.quarkiverse.mybatis.runtime.MyBatisRecorder#createSqlSessionFactory called from generateSqlSessionFactory get a MyBatisruntimeConfig with xmlconfig.enabled = true, but it ignores that and doesn't load the XML.
Here are the stack traces for the two build steps:
Stack trace #1:
Stack trace #2