quarkslab / irma

IRMA is an asynchronous & customizable analysis system for suspicious files.
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Setting up IRMA #58

Closed Asarewin closed 5 years ago

Asarewin commented 5 years ago


i've tried setting up IRMA the easiest way,

everything goes right until i want to see the frontend interface of irma i saw in a previous issue that i need to setup irma-frontend and i'd love to but it seems that the command :

python irma-ansible.py environments/allinone_prod.yml playbooks/playbook.yml

it cannot find irma-ansible.py and the shortcut seems broken, is the command i put above the one that will setup irma frontend ? could i have some insight on what to do to fix this ?

Thank you

ch0k0bn commented 5 years ago

irma-ansible is a submodule of irma, if you have not clone this directory with --recursive you may have missed it. In that case just enter in your irma repo local copy:

git submodule init
git submodule update

and irma-ansible should be fetched and available

Asarewin commented 5 years ago


Thanks for the help, although i seem to be bumping into another issue now...

TASK [quarkslab.irma_deployment_frontend : Deploy webui archive] ***** 2019-01-15T05:29:34.979599 (delta: 0.042598) elapsed: 84.998057 * fatal: [brain.irma]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Could not find or access 'core-webui-HEAD.zip'\nSearched in:\n\t/home/cuckoo/irma/ansible/roles/quarkslab.irma_deployment_frontend/files/core-webui-HEAD.zip\n\t/home/cuckoo/irma/ansible/roles/quarkslab.irma_deployment_frontend/core-webui-HEAD.zip\n\t/home/cuckoo/irma/ansible/roles/quarkslab.irma_deployment_frontend/tasks/files/core-webui-HEAD.zip\n\t/home/cuckoo/irma/ansible/roles/quarkslab.irma_deployment_frontend/tasks/core-webui-HEAD.zip\n\t/home/cuckoo/irma/ansible/playbooks/files/core-webui-HEAD.zip\n\t/home/cuckoo/irma/ansible/playbooks/core-webui-HEAD.zip"}

PLAY RECAP ***** brain.irma : ok=21 changed=16 unreachable=0 failed=1
localhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0

this error message appeared after a while when i tried launching :

$ python irma-ansible.py environments/allinone_prod.yml playbooks/playbook.yml

edit : /home/cuckoo/irma/ansible/roles/quarkslab.irma_deployment_frontend/files/core-webui-HEAD.zip i looked for this "core-webui-HEAD.zip" and found it so i dont know why irma couldnt find it ?

is there something i'm not getting right ? I followed the instructions on readthedocs but i still seem to bump into new issues unfortunately. Could you maybe give me insights on what to do with that issue ? Thanks you

ch0k0bn commented 5 years ago

Production mode is meant to be run from a packaged archive (you could not guess it and its not (yet) written in the doc, sorry for that). packaged archive is generated with setup.py and embed the proper version of the code (based on the commit) and an archive with the UI already built (the missing core-webui-HEAD.zip file in your error).

To solve your problem, the easiest way is to build locally the UI (it requires nodejs)

$ cd frontend/web
$ npm install
$ ./node_modules/.bin/bower  update
$ ./node_modules/.bin/gulp dist

UI is now built inside distdirectory then create an archive with dist directory (archive must contains dist directory not only the file inside dist as we will later deploy it directly inside frontend/web and the dist directory is in the UI path.)

zip -r ../../ansible/playbooks/files/core-webui-HEAD.zip dist/

now you could retry irma-ansible command as you have the missing UI file.