quarkus-release / release

Releasing Quarkus, the supersonic subatomic way
1 stars 1 forks source link

3.8.0.CR1 #44

Closed gsmet closed 4 months ago

gsmet commented 4 months ago





Major version

github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

:gear: Proceeding to step Prerequisites

You can follow the progress of the workflow here.

Where am I? - [ ] Prerequisites :gear: ☚ You are here - [ ] Approve the core release - [ ] Create branch (if needed) - [ ] Prepare the core release - [ ] Perform the core release - [ ] Sync core release to Maven Central - [ ] Release Gradle plugin - [ ] Execute post-core-release operations - [ ] Prepare the Quarkus Platform - [ ] Release the Quarkus Platform - [ ] Sync Platform release to Maven Central - [ ] Update extension catalog - [ ] Execute post-Platform-release operations - [ ] Announce release
github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

We are going to release the following release:

Please approve with a @quarkusbot yes comment if you want to continue with the release.

If not, simply close this issue.

Where am I? - [X] Prerequisites - [ ] Approve the core release :pause_button: ☚ You are here - [ ] Create branch (if needed) - [ ] Prepare the core release - [ ] Perform the core release - [ ] Sync core release to Maven Central - [ ] Release Gradle plugin - [ ] Execute post-core-release operations - [ ] Prepare the Quarkus Platform - [ ] Release the Quarkus Platform - [ ] Sync Platform release to Maven Central - [ ] Update extension catalog - [ ] Execute post-Platform-release operations - [ ] Announce release
gsmet commented 4 months ago

@quarkusbot yes

github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

:gear: Proceeding to step Approve the core release

You can follow the progress of the workflow here.

Where am I? - [X] Prerequisites - [ ] Approve the core release :gear: ☚ You are here - [ ] Create branch (if needed) - [ ] Prepare the core release - [ ] Perform the core release - [ ] Sync core release to Maven Central - [ ] Release Gradle plugin - [ ] Execute post-core-release operations - [ ] Prepare the Quarkus Platform - [ ] Release the Quarkus Platform - [ ] Sync Platform release to Maven Central - [ ] Update extension catalog - [ ] Execute post-Platform-release operations - [ ] Announce release
github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

:white_check_mark: Core release is approved, proceeding...

The Core release steps take approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes so don't panic if it takes time. You will receive feedback in this very issue if an error occurs or when further input is needed.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

IMPORTANT This is the first Candidate Release and this release requires special care.

You have two options:

To let the release process handle things automatically for you, simply add a @quarkusbot auto comment

Handle things manually If you choose to do things manually, make sure you perform all the following tasks: - Create the `3.8` branch and push it to the upstream repository - Rename the `3.8 - main` milestone [here](https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/milestones) to 3.8.0.CR1 - Create a new milestone `X.Y - main` milestone [here](https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/milestones/new) with `X.Y` being the next major/minor version name. Make sure you follow the naming convention, it is important. - Rename the `triage/backport?` label to `triage/backport-3.8?` - Create a new `triage/backport?` label - Make sure [all the current opened pull requests with the `triage/backport-3.8?` label](https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+label%3Atriage%2Fbackport-3.8%3F+) also have the new `triage/backport?` label (in the UI, you can select all the pull requests with the top checkbox then use the `Label` dropdown to apply the `triage/backport?` label) - Send an email to [quarkus-dev@googlegroups.com](mailto:quarkus-dev@googlegroups.com) announcing that `3.8` has been branched and post on [Zulip #dev stream](https://quarkusio.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/187038-dev/): Subject: `Quarkus 3.8 branched` ``` Hi, We just branched 3.8. The main branch is now **X.Y**. Please make sure you add the appropriate backport labels from now on: - for anything required in 3.8 (currently open pull requests included), please add the triage/backport? label - for fixes we also want in future 3.7, please add the triage/backport-3.7? label - for fixes we also want in future 3.2, please add the triage/backport-3.2? label - for fixes we also want in future 2.13, please add the triage/backport-2.13? label Thanks! -- The Quarkus dev team ``` Once you are done with all this, add a `@quarkusbot manual` comment to let the release process know you have handled everything manually.

Where am I? - [X] Prerequisites - [X] Approve the core release - [ ] Create branch (if needed) :pause_button: ☚ You are here - [ ] Prepare the core release - [ ] Perform the core release - [ ] Sync core release to Maven Central - [ ] Release Gradle plugin - [ ] Execute post-core-release operations - [ ] Prepare the Quarkus Platform - [ ] Release the Quarkus Platform - [ ] Sync Platform release to Maven Central - [ ] Update extension catalog - [ ] Execute post-Platform-release operations - [ ] Announce release
gsmet commented 4 months ago

@quarkusbot manual

github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

:gear: Proceeding to step Prepare the core release

You can follow the progress of the workflow here.

Where am I? - [X] Prerequisites - [X] Approve the core release - [X] Create branch (if needed) - [ ] Prepare the core release :gear: ☚ You are here - [ ] Perform the core release - [ ] Sync core release to Maven Central - [ ] Release Gradle plugin - [ ] Execute post-core-release operations - [ ] Prepare the Quarkus Platform - [ ] Release the Quarkus Platform - [ ] Sync Platform release to Maven Central - [ ] Update extension catalog - [ ] Execute post-Platform-release operations - [ ] Announce release
github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

:white_check_mark: The core artifacts have been pushed to s01.oss.sonatype.org.

IMPORTANT You need to wait for them to be synced to Maven Central before continuing with the release:

The publication of the core artifacts will take 60-80 minutes.

We started a separate workflow to monitor the situation for you. It will automatically continue the release process once it detects the artifacts have been synced to Maven Central.

If things go south If things go south, you can monitor the situation manually: * Wait for 1 hour (starting from the time of this comment) * Check that https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/quarkus/quarkus-bom/3.8.0.CR1/ does not return a 404 Once these two conditions are met, you can continue with the release by adding a `@quarkusbot continue` comment.

Where am I? - [X] Prerequisites - [X] Approve the core release - [X] Create branch (if needed) - [X] Prepare the core release - [X] Perform the core release - [ ] Sync core release to Maven Central :pause_button: ☚ You are here - [ ] Release Gradle plugin - [ ] Execute post-core-release operations - [ ] Prepare the Quarkus Platform - [ ] Release the Quarkus Platform - [ ] Sync Platform release to Maven Central - [ ] Update extension catalog - [ ] Execute post-Platform-release operations - [ ] Announce release
quarkusbot commented 4 months ago

@quarkusbot continue

:white_check_mark: We have detected that the core artifacts have been synced to Maven Central.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

:gear: Proceeding to step Sync core release to Maven Central

You can follow the progress of the workflow here.

Where am I? - [X] Prerequisites - [X] Approve the core release - [X] Create branch (if needed) - [X] Prepare the core release - [X] Perform the core release - [ ] Sync core release to Maven Central :gear: ☚ You are here - [ ] Release Gradle plugin - [ ] Execute post-core-release operations - [ ] Prepare the Quarkus Platform - [ ] Release the Quarkus Platform - [ ] Sync Platform release to Maven Central - [ ] Update extension catalog - [ ] Execute post-Platform-release operations - [ ] Announce release
github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

:white_check_mark: Core artifacts have been synced to Maven Central, continuing...

github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

Now is time to update Quarkus in the Quarkus Platform. This is a manual process.

cd <your quarkus-platform clone>
git checkout main
git pull upstream main
git checkout -b quarkus-3.8.0.CR1
./update-quarkus-version.sh 3.8.0.CR1
git add .
git commit -m 'Upgrade to Quarkus 3.8.0.CR1'
git push origin quarkus-3.8.0.CR1

Once everything has been merged to branch main, you can continue with the release by adding a @quarkusbot continue comment.

Where am I? - [X] Prerequisites - [X] Approve the core release - [X] Create branch (if needed) - [X] Prepare the core release - [X] Perform the core release - [X] Sync core release to Maven Central - [X] Release Gradle plugin - [X] Execute post-core-release operations - [ ] Prepare the Quarkus Platform :pause_button: ☚ You are here - [ ] Release the Quarkus Platform - [ ] Sync Platform release to Maven Central - [ ] Update extension catalog - [ ] Execute post-Platform-release operations - [ ] Announce release
gsmet commented 4 months ago

@quarkusbot continue

github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

:gear: Proceeding to step Prepare the Quarkus Platform

You can follow the progress of the workflow here.

Where am I? - [X] Prerequisites - [X] Approve the core release - [X] Create branch (if needed) - [X] Prepare the core release - [X] Perform the core release - [X] Sync core release to Maven Central - [X] Release Gradle plugin - [X] Execute post-core-release operations - [ ] Prepare the Quarkus Platform :gear: ☚ You are here - [ ] Release the Quarkus Platform - [ ] Sync Platform release to Maven Central - [ ] Update extension catalog - [ ] Execute post-Platform-release operations - [ ] Announce release
github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

:white_check_mark: The Platform branch main is ready to be released, continuing...

github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

:white_check_mark: The Platform artifacts have been pushed to s01.oss.sonatype.org.

IMPORTANT You need to wait for them to be synced to Maven Central before continuing with the release:

The publication of the Platform artifacts will take 20-40 minutes.

We started a separate workflow to monitor the situation for you. It will automatically continue the release process once it detects the artifacts have been synced to Maven Central.

If things go south If things go south, you can monitor the situation manually: * Wait for 40 minutes (starting from the time of this comment) * Check that https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/quarkus/platform/quarkus-bom/3.8.0.CR1/ does not return a 404 Once these two conditions are met, you can continue with the release by adding a `@quarkusbot continue` comment.

Where am I? - [X] Prerequisites - [X] Approve the core release - [X] Create branch (if needed) - [X] Prepare the core release - [X] Perform the core release - [X] Sync core release to Maven Central - [X] Release Gradle plugin - [X] Execute post-core-release operations - [X] Prepare the Quarkus Platform - [X] Release the Quarkus Platform - [ ] Sync Platform release to Maven Central :pause_button: ☚ You are here - [ ] Update extension catalog - [ ] Execute post-Platform-release operations - [ ] Announce release
quarkusbot commented 4 months ago

@quarkusbot continue

:white_check_mark: We have detected that the Platform artifacts have been synced to Maven Central.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

:gear: Proceeding to step Sync Platform release to Maven Central

You can follow the progress of the workflow here.

Where am I? - [X] Prerequisites - [X] Approve the core release - [X] Create branch (if needed) - [X] Prepare the core release - [X] Perform the core release - [X] Sync core release to Maven Central - [X] Release Gradle plugin - [X] Execute post-core-release operations - [X] Prepare the Quarkus Platform - [X] Release the Quarkus Platform - [ ] Sync Platform release to Maven Central :gear: ☚ You are here - [ ] Update extension catalog - [ ] Execute post-Platform-release operations - [ ] Announce release
github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

:white_check_mark: Platform artifacts have been synced to Maven Central, continuing...

github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

:white_check_mark: 3.8.0.CR1 was successfully released.

Connected to the Red Hat VPN, in a clone of https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus-release, run:

./trigger-performance-testing.sh 3.8.0.CR1

to trigger the performance evaluation testing for this release.

Then it is time to send an email to quarkus-dev@googlegroups.com:

Subject: Quarkus 3.8.0.CR1 released


We released Quarkus 3.8.0.CR1.

Changelog is here:

Please try to upgrade your applications and report back:
- if everything is going well, just post a reply to this thread
- if you encounter issues, please open a GitHub issue in our tracker with a simple reproducer

We will build the final core artifacts next Wednesday.


The Quarkus dev team```