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Gav syntax rather than split fields to have less visual clutter? #1017

Open maxandersen opened 2 months ago

maxandersen commented 2 months ago

Instead of split of two strings you can't just copy/paste from it would be nice Group id and artifact was just one label, i.e. io.quarkiverse.neo4j:quarkus-neo4j

holly-cummins commented 2 months ago

What do you think, @insectengine? One consideration is that long strings tend to not do so well on the right-hand column, because they wrap awkwardly.

I guess one question is how often people are copy-pasting to try and construct a gav, and what they're then trying to do with it. If people want to copy and paste the gav often, I agree we should optimise for that - but I also wonder, can we make that task easier? For example, we have the copy-pastable maven commands in the main section, where the long text is ok. Is there a missing command there?

holly-cummins commented 2 months ago

Another consideration is that it makes it harder for people who want to know the artifact id to do so. Especially for the core quarkus extensions, the group id isn't very interesting, as it's always io.quarkus. So people who want to know the artifact id have to scan the repeated io.quarkus: boilerplate on each gav string to see the bit they're interested actual artifact id.

So I guess it comes down to 'how often do people want to know the artifact id' vs 'how often do people need a copy-pastable gav?' ... and then 'if people want a copy-pastable gav, is it enough for them to use the copy-pastable gav we have several other times on the page?'

maxandersen commented 2 months ago

For me it takes way longer to find info because the same piece of info is spread over multiple fields.

GAV - group, artifact, (latest version) and maven repo link.

When is it you just need the artifact id ?

holly-cummins commented 2 months ago

For me it takes way longer to find info because the same piece of info is spread over multiple fields.

... is there a way we could make the information in the middle panel more prominent, instead of repeating it a fourth time? Or put in the right link so you don't need to copy-paste it? Where is you're copy-pasting the gav to?

When is it you just need the artifact id ?

This would apply to any scenario involving inspection of a pom.xml, or hand-editing a pom.xml. I might, for example, be trying to unpick some migration challenge caused by the great reactive rename, where the artifact names and artifact ids all end up sounding a bit similar, so I need to know if I'm using the new one or the old one in my pom. Knowing the group id is io.quarkus is irrelevant, because the group id is the same on each extension I'm comparing. And in poms, the group id is separate to the artifact id:
