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Quarkus Helm in Action #156

Closed insectengine closed 1 year ago

insectengine commented 1 year ago

Proposed Title: Quarkus Helm in Action Proposed Description: TBD

Guest: Jose Carvajal Hilario Twitter: @jcarvajalh

tqvarnst commented 1 year ago

I love the topic. It's vital that we, in this episode, explain how this can help with a fully automated loop for developing using DevOps principles. Showing both that through Quarkus config, we can control how specific values are generated, but without requiring deep knowledge of Helm. We also need to explain that users that think this is too much "magic" can also use custom helm charts. We must clarify that this enables Quarkus developers to do DevOps more efficiently and safer.

Sgitario commented 1 year ago

Slides: https://github.com/Sgitario/quarkus-insights-helm/blob/main/%5B06-02-23%5D%20Quarkus%20Insights%20%23116%20-%20Continuous%20delivery%20with%20Quarkus%20Helm%20and%20ArgoCD.pdf

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95GsShVW6rY

insectengine commented 1 year ago

Added slide link to YT description