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Mismatch between registry data and platform json bom for some extensions #41483

Open holly-cummins opened 1 week ago

holly-cummins commented 1 week ago

The problem

See original discussion on https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/pull/41476

For two extensions, Websockets Next and Confluent Schema Registry - Avro, there is a mismatch between what ends up in the registry and what ends up in the platform bom json, target/quarkus-bom-quarkus-platform-descriptor-999-SNAPSHOT-999-SNAPSHOT.json.

The registry has un-enriched metadata, so it's missing things like the description from the pom.

The visible symptom

You can see the effect of this on extensions.quarkus.io:

image image

http://code.quarkus.io has the correct descriptions for these extensions, even though the registry returns incorrect data. I think that's because code.quarkus is reading the platform bom json, rather than the registry entries for the extensions.

Why is this happening?

Um, not sure.

When websockets-next is built, the 'source' pom is in runtime/pom.xml, but the generated extension yaml ends up in server/target/runtime/quarkus-extension.yaml. I think ./runtime/target/classes/META-INF/quarkus-extension.yaml is what's used for the registry upload, but ./server/runtime/target/classes/META-INF/quarkus-extension.yaml is what's used to generate the platform bom. Since the metadata we use for the registry upload is non-enriched, the registry data ends up being incomplete/incorrect.

The quarkus/extensions/schema-registry/confluent/avro extension has a similar mismatch between platform json and the registry, but I can't see a similar 'other directory' mechanism for that one, so the 'other directory' thing might be the wrong tree.

Any idea what's going on, @aloubyansky or @gastaldi?

gastaldi commented 1 week ago

Maybe related to https://github.com/quarkusio/registry.quarkus.io/issues/205?