quarnster / boxeebox-xbmc

Aiming to get xbmc up and running on the boxee box
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Media library scanning for music crashes xbmc #115

Open bendingunit opened 10 years ago

bendingunit commented 10 years ago

I'm currently running xbmc13.alpha12.boxeebox2014.01.18.early_alpha2_92146e8. Every time when xbmc scans my mp3-folder for music content (via NFS located on a QNAP-NAS), it crashes after a few minutes. How can i figure out which files/folders might cause the trouble?

jampeef commented 10 years ago

Enabled debugging? Checked log file?

ghost commented 10 years ago

Its currently a XBMC Gotham Alpha issue which the devs are addressing.

sheni7 commented 10 years ago

Has anyone noticed that this link is down.


devilstrike commented 10 years ago

You can download latest version on boxeed.in/forums. http://boxeed.in/forums/viewtopic.php?p=4362#p4362