quarnster / boxeebox-xbmc

Aiming to get xbmc up and running on the boxee box
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External USB not booting into Kodi #162

Open dhvanika opened 8 years ago

dhvanika commented 8 years ago

I was not able to boot into Kodi using an external usb flash drive. My installation steps per http://kodi.wiki/view/Boxee_Box included:

I didn't see any solutions for this issue in the instructions or forums.

Thanks for your help.

I forced Kodi to start by modifying and using the below commands from http://smyl.es/how-to-obtain-root-install-and-run-xbmc-on-d-link-boxee-box/. Can you recommend a better more permanent solution? Thanks!

cd /media/BOXEE

My USB drive is called "BOXEE"

/etc/rc3.d/U99boxee stop killall run_boxee.sh killall Boxee /etc/rc3.d/U94boxeehal stop killall BoxeeHal GCONV_PATH=$PWD/gconv AE_ENGINE=active PYTHONPATH=$PWD/python2.7:$PWD/python2.7/lib-dynload KODI_HOME=$PWD ./kodi.bin &