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publish book to Quarto Pub #6

Open PythonCoderUnicorn opened 1 year ago

PythonCoderUnicorn commented 1 year ago


I have my book files in a folder, i ran the quarto publish quarto-pub inside the folder directory, the files render fine but the book fails to be published due to an error in my yaml file. I have tried publishing over an hour now with each time removing things from my yaml file (such as biblio file)

my yaml file, the comment was to allow my custom styling as shown, i had both together but even just darkly fails.

Screen Shot 2022-09-21 at 10 00 54 AM

but my error

Screen Shot 2022-09-21 at 10 05 18 AM

do you know how I can fix this?

(with each fail, i delete the npr in Quarto Pub)

dragonstyle commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry you've run into this! Everything certainly looks ok in the yaml, so I'm not sure what is happening. If you render each of the differing formats, (e.g. quarto render --to pdf, quarto render --to epub, quarto render --to html) each of those succeeds without any complaints about the YAML?

PythonCoderUnicorn commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry you've run into this! Everything certainly looks ok in the yaml, so I'm not sure what is happening. If you render each of the differing formats, (e.g. quarto render --to pdf, quarto render --to epub, quarto render --to html) each of those succeeds without any complaints about the YAML?

I did try the quarto render --to pdf, quarto render --to epub commands which failed to work.

I originally meant was the theme: arguments is where it says it is wrong, but having ran each file and plot I know that there is nothing actually wrong just warnings from packages and one regarding the igraph package argument.

Since struggling with getting this to work, i have deployed the book using GitHub pages which is not truly where I wanted the book to live, but does prove that the book works just fine (with the custom scss file).

Each chapter section gets run in the terminal with 100%'s then at the end is the same error

YAML parse exception at line 23, column 26:
mapping values are not allowed in this context

there is only purrr::map_chr() which reads in Gutenberg books and makes them into a dataframe (the code works), but no mapping otherwise.

Screen Shot 2022-09-21 at 12 29 15 PM

TidyText ... /unnamed-chunk-10-1.pdf is an error but in the file the code chunk is:

Screen Shot 2022-09-21 at 12 33 20 PM

so the code executes just fine but does not want to be a pdf even though my yaml still says `project: type: book'

this is a mystery.

dragonstyle commented 1 year ago

Is there any chance you could share this in a repo that I could use to reproduce this? Without seeing the complete project yaml its very hard to try to diagnose. If the _quarto.yml was invalid, I would expect each and every render to fail.

PythonCoderUnicorn commented 1 year ago

the project directory i am running the quarto terminal commands : NLPR/NLPR/ as the NLPR/docs/ exists which is running the GH pages.

project link

dragonstyle commented 1 year ago

Hmmmmm... I synced locally and just remove a couple of code cells from the qmd files and all formats rendered fine for me. One potential difference occurs to me- the Quarto version. I am using the latest pre-release (v.1.2.x) - what version are you using?

Aside from that the front matter/yaml all looked reasonable to me.

PythonCoderUnicorn commented 1 year ago

in my terminal quarto -v returned 1.1.251

dragonstyle commented 1 year ago

OK that is a pretty recent release. I just pushed my exact forked repo - any chance you can try rendering exactly that repo?


PythonCoderUnicorn commented 1 year ago

i did pull request, pulled then ran quarto publish quarto-pub and got this error

[✓] Creating quarto-pub site

Rendering for publish:

[1/6] index.qmd
[2/6] preface.qmd
[3/6] Quanteda-corpus.qmd
[4/6] TidyText.qmd
[5/6] summary.qmd
[6/6] references.qmd

  to: latex
  output-file: index.tex
  standalone: true
  toc: true
  number-sections: true
  top-level-division: chapter
  pdf-engine: xelatex
    graphics: true
    tables: true
  default-image-extension: pdf

    chapters: true
  documentclass: scrreprt
  papersize: letter
    - DIV=11
    - numbers=noendperiod
    - '\KOMAoption{captions}{tableheading}'
  block-headings: true
  title: NLPR
  author: Zane Dax (She/They)
  date: '2022-09-12'

running xelatex - 1
  This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-0.999993 (TeX Live 2021) (preloaded format=xelatex)
   restricted \write18 enabled.
  entering extended mode

updating tlmgr

updating existing packages
finding package for scrreprt.cls
ERROR: Your TexLive version is not updated enough to connect to the remote repository and download packages. Please update your installation of TexLive or TinyTex.

Underlying message: Local TeX Live (2021) is older than remote repository (2022).
Cross release updates are only supported with
  update-tlmgr-latest(.sh/.exe) --update
See https://tug.org/texlive/upgrade.html for details.
dragonstyle commented 1 year ago

It appears that your current installation of TeX is missing some required packages and is the 2021 version of TeX (which can no longer connect to the TeXLive repo to download packages since that has been updated). We've been working on trying to improve this experience in the pre-release version of Quarto.

PythonCoderUnicorn commented 1 year ago

Quarto version: 1.2.144 updated TinyTex commented-out the pdf: documentclass: scrreport

and i reverted back to the commit prior to the fork & merge.

yet i still get the error YAML parse exception at line 23, column 26: mapping values are not allowed in this context

At this point i am not sure what to do. I think I will move on to other projects.

Thank you for your continued help on this.