quarto-ext / fontawesome

Use Font Awesome icons in HTML and PDF documents.
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Making this work in Quarto RevealJS in mermaid diagrams #37

Closed jensbri closed 6 months ago

jensbri commented 6 months ago

Kia ora/hello from New Zealand.

I tried installing this and making it work with Quarto RevealJS. I found this thread and tried all of the options provided.

If I do this

%%| fig-width: 15
%%| fig-height: 5
flowchart LR
  A[{{< fa brands github size=5x >}}"Session :one:"] --> B{Decision}
  B --> C[just observe]
  B --> D[get involved]
  C --> E[get an overivew and hear buzzwords]
  D --> F[get hands-on experience]

I get (where the last bullet point reflects the use of an icon, but the mermaid doesn't render at all) image

And this solutions doesn't work at all. image

Any advice on how to get better logs is highly appreciated.

Cheers Jens

neon-ninja commented 6 months ago

The (fa:fa-phone) syntax will work if you update to quarto version 1.4.551

cderv commented 6 months ago

I don't think using shortcode inside a mermaid code cell is allowed

 A[{{< fa brands github size=5x >}}"Session :one:"] --> B{Decision}

Though mermaid has support for fontawesome but you can use it only if the dependencies are loaded.

Using the tricked explain in SO post does this

<!-- Initialize with any icon {{< fa thumbs-up >}} -->

because our filter here in the extension, only load the dependencies if a shortcode is used.

You could also only load the fontawesome dependencies.

Related issue

And as mentioned you need to check your quarto and fontawesome extension version to be sure to have the latest content.

I'll close this. but please reopen if I missed something

format: revealjs
keep-md: true

## First Slide

<!-- {{< fa thumbs-up >}} -->

flowchart LR
flowchart LR
