quarto-journals / acm

Quarto template for the Association of Computing Machinery
MIT License
16 stars 9 forks source link

How to solve this error? #37

Open diegourreamendez opened 2 months ago

diegourreamendez commented 2 months ago

ERROR: Unable to read the extension 'acm'. Please ensure that you provided the correct id and that the extension is installed.

andrewpbray commented 1 month ago

I'm getting this same error when running the code provided in README.md

quarto use template quarto-journals/acm
quarto render article.qmd --to acm-pdf

This is on quarto v1.5.55.

Makes me think it could be helpful to add these officially-supported templates into the test suite.

andrewpbray commented 1 month ago

Ah, this is strange: quarto use template quarto-journals/acm copies into the directory the contents of this repo ...except the _extensions subdirectory is empty. This can be fixed by also running quarto add quarto-journals/acm but something must be going awry in the detection of the extension within the template.

(base) andrewbray@MacBookPro Desktop % quarto use template quarto-journals/acm

Quarto templates may execute code when documents are rendered. If you do not 
trust the authors of the template, we recommend that you do not install or 
use the template.
? Do you trust the authors of this template (Y/n) › Yes
? Create a subdirectory for template? (Y/n) › Yes
? Directory name: › temp
[✓] Downloading
[✓] Unzipping

The template requires the following changes to extensions:
acmart (ACM) format template   [Install]   0.0.3 (formats)
? Would you like to continue (Y/n) › Yes

Preparing template files...
    Found 0 extensions.

[✓] Copying
[✓] Installing extensions...
[✓] Copying files...

Extensions installed:
 - acmart (ACM) format template

Files created:
 - bibliography.bib
 - sample-franklin.png
 - temp.qmd
(base) andrewbray@MacBookPro Desktop % cd temp
(base) andrewbray@MacBookPro temp % ls
_extensions     temp.qmd
bibliography.bib    sample-franklin.png
(base) andrewbray@MacBookPro temp % cd _extensions
(base) andrewbray@MacBookPro _extensions % ls
(base) andrewbray@MacBookPro _extensions % 
cscheid commented 1 month ago

This extension needs a fair amount of updating; I hope to get this done by the end of August. Thanks for the patience, everyone.