quarto-journals / plos

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Notes present if no entry #16

Open jcolomb opened 4 months ago

jcolomb commented 4 months ago

Notes on authors are present even if no author present this note.

Issue in the before-body.tex

\Yinyang $if(author-notes.equal-contributor)$$author-notes.equal-contributor$$else$These authors contributed equally to this work.$endif$

% Additional Equal Contribution Note
% Also use this double-dagger symbol for special authorship notes, such as senior authorship.
%\ddag These authors also contributed equally to this work.

% Current address notes
\textcurrency Current Address: Dept/Program/Center, Institution Name, City, State, Country % change symbol to "\textcurrency a" if more than one current address note
% \textcurrency b Insert second current address 
% \textcurrency c Insert third current address

% Deceased author note
\dag $if(author-notes.deceased)$$author-notes.deceased$$else$Deceased$endif$

This should only be included if there is a note, right ? DId I miss something?

IN the pdf: PLOS templateName1 Surname1,2, Name2 Surname2, Name3 Surname2,3, Name4 Surname2, Name5Surname2†, Name6 Surname2, Name7 Surname1,2,3*, with the Lorem IpsumConsortium¶1Affiliation Dept, Institution Name, City, State, Country,2Affiliation Center, Institution Name, City, State, Country,3Affiliation Program, Institution Name, City, State, Country,YThese authors contributed equally to this work.¤Current Address: Dept/Program/Center, Institution Name, City, State, Country†Deceased

cderv commented 4 months ago

Which note exactly are you referring to ? Sorry - I don't see clearly which is the issue here.

Can you share a pdf screenshot marking the problem ?

jcolomb commented 4 months ago

Untitled 2.pdf

the note about equal contribution: no authors have equal contribution, but the label (\Yinyang, These authors contributed equally to this work.) is still there.

cderv commented 4 months ago

Oh thanks ! I understand !

So when a note is not used, it is not removed. I see.

We need to see how to modify the template to know about this. Hopefully our authors normalization will allow us to get the info in templates.