quasar / Quasar

Remote Administration Tool for Windows
MIT License
8.35k stars 2.38k forks source link

Connection reported #856

Open moaeddy opened 3 years ago

moaeddy commented 3 years ago

I was testing quasar on a VPN, next i see my VPN account was closed and i got mail support which were telling me i was running a forbidden program on their network with certain port(Quasar port). But i have tested different RAT like orcus and others, also imminent got my VPN reported when tested. i do not know what is making the connection get reported and i don't understand why no strong encryption between the client and BIN. can someone explain how to prevent this or there is nothing that can be done?

MaxXor commented 3 years ago

Just use a different port number. The connection is the same way encrypted as https connections by TLS.

moaeddy commented 3 years ago

its been 3 different VPN that have been closed despite changing port. just wanna know how quasar is easily detected on network but others aren't. its just a thought not trying to discredit your great effort

MaxXor commented 3 years ago

Hm, interesting. One possible reason is that Quasar uses self-signed certficiates with custom fields, just like tor. The VPN provider might block tor connections and mistakenly blocks Quasar too.

hackingkid commented 3 years ago

anyone help me? i open port and create no ip but the quasar is working only for IPV4 ip and only pc that is connecter with the same router. other not working.