quasarframework / quasar

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feat(q-dialog): Add configurable option to not close dialog when clicking button fix: #17120 #17121

Open dongwa opened 3 weeks ago

dongwa commented 3 weeks ago


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Other information: Title: Add notHide Option to props.ok to Control Dialog Closure on Button Click

Summary: Introduce a new notHide option within props.ok to allow control over dialog visibility when the OK button is clicked. This feature will be particularly useful for scenarios where the dialog should remain open until an asynchronous task completes.

Description: Currently, the dialog closes immediately when the OK button is clicked. However, for certain operations, like asynchronous tasks, it may be necessary to keep the dialog open until the operation is fully completed. Implementing a notHide property will provide developers with the flexibility to prevent the dialog from closing right away.

Proposed Solution:

Example Use Case: Consider a form submission within a dialog where data validation and server-side processing are required. With the notHide option set to true, the dialog remains open, displaying a loading indicator while the submission is processed. Once the server responds, the dialog can be programmatically closed, either on success or after displaying an error message.


github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

UI Tests Results

0 tests   0 :white_check_mark:  0s :stopwatch: 0 suites  0 :zzz: 0 files    0 :x:

Results for commit 8bc05258.