quasarframework / quasar

Quasar Framework - Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces in record time
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[docs] Teach use of Quasar with Laravel #4794

Closed tohagan closed 3 years ago

tohagan commented 5 years ago

Lov'n Quasar but I'm disappointed to see that other Vue frameworks still getting greater mind/market share. So this "feature request" is really an idea to improve your market share. I'm sure you're thinking this stuff every day - yeah?

In recent "Vue" job searches I've found that by far most Vue IT shops were using Laravel. React seems to be more popular with the .NET and Java camps. SO ... I think Quasar needs to get more traction with the Laravel community who already have Vue baked into their mindset and SDK.


tohagan commented 5 years ago

Another idea ...

Add each of your component pages into https://vuejsexamples.com so Vue devs will find you!

nothingismagick commented 5 years ago

Why don’t you come and visit us on the discord server and share some of these ideas there. I’d love to sit down with you and talk shop.

ibrainventures commented 5 years ago

@tohagan .... you read my minds ... i always thought in the last 16+ Month .. why is there no git repro with a rtr complete boilterplate / stack : laravel, quasar, user-auth and may some ssr / seo / payment connector extras ..

there are some nice quasar-app-extensions (coming) out there with e.g. helping to solve the jwt workarounds and many more .. and ..

let lara 6.0.1 come and maybe we (!) together find a way to make this happen ?!

tohagan commented 5 years ago

Yep! Needs a starter kit for Firebase too! I'm not a Laravel expert but was loaned out to Laravel project for a few months - now back working on my Firebase/Quasar app today.

Another observation ... Lots of legacy .NET/C# apps were built using jQuery/Knockout (we have one in my day job). Knockout used be to a standard starter project built into Visual Studio. Why do we care? Because a killer feature of Vue is computed properties and guess where that idea came from? Knockout! So porting all these old Kockout apps into Vue makes much more sense than porting them into React because their UI logic is based on this pattern. Most .NET devs don't know much about Vue. Needs an article or two on Medium to show them the way to Vue and demo how you'd take legacy Knockout coding patterns and refactor them into Vue components. Knockout coders will "get it" and long for more. Of course you'd also use it to intro them to Quasar :).

tohagan commented 5 years ago

OK ... just found all the starter kits ... https://forum.quasar-framework.org/topic/4031/list-of-starter-kits-per-programming-language-and-the-backend-framework

tohagan commented 5 years ago

Ok I'm also a ASP.NET / C# Visual Studio coder by day - my "bread and butter" stuff. Visual Studio 2019 ships with "New Project" templates built in for Angular and React but none for Vue! What?? No wonder Vue is loosing market share. So build 'em a Vue/Quasar one :) .

Get started here ... https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/how-to-create-project-templates?view=vs-2019

rfox12 commented 4 years ago

I think Microsoft included those templates for the sake of completeness. I think you can probably count the number of Angular and React coders who use Visual Studio on one hand. Visual Studio Code on the other hand, has had amazing traction and usage. Regarding this quote... "No wonder Vue is loosing market share" do you have numbers to back that up? Just piping in because I would rather that the Quasar team spend zero effort on PHP related stuff...

TobyMosque commented 4 years ago

Personally, beside NodeJS, I don't think that a deep integration with any back-end language/framework would be a good ideia. I'm opening a exception here to NodeJS, because of how SSR works.

So any doc with titles like Quasar for %backend_framework% developers or How to integrate %backend_framework% to Quasar will look very similar.

I don't think you need anything beside that to get started:

  1. a REST API developed with your preferred framework, here some possibilities.: Lavavel with Swagger PHP Spring with Springfox ASP.NET Core with Swashbuckle ExpressJS with Swagger Express Middleware

  2. How to call a REST API from your front-end

tohagan commented 4 years ago

I agree that PHP would be the priority. Within the C# community, large numbers of commercial projects are switching to React or Angular (very few are Vue). My evidence for this is in the job market for C# developers. Just do a job search for C# and React, now try C# and Vue.

Like most devs, I'm a big fan of VS Code for new projects but forced to stick with VS for many legacy apps. My suggestion for Visual Studio is not about integration with back ends. Within a Visual Studio solution (same as a Workspace) you'd add multiple projects . Some of these projects will be for your backend, I'm only proposing we add a project template to create a Quasar front end (i.e. It just has to install NodeJS/Vue/Quasar and then invoke the Quasar CLI) and ensure that IDE file properties (e.g. TS compile options) are setup correctly for JS or TS files for Development (hot reloading) and Release (dist) builds.

Many C# coders follow Microsoft like sheep. So many (not all) C# devs don't think the way you do about starting a new project. They'd love to ditch their old ASP.NET UIs in their legacy VS apps for a shiny new one. This breed of loyal fans start out by finding what "New Project" options are in VS. A Vue project template was added in VS2019, in VS2017 only React and Angular were supported. Adding a Quasar project template should not be too hard. Just fork the Vue or NodeJS one from Microsoft and then integrate Quasar CLI.

tohagan commented 4 years ago

@TobyMosque and I'd add GraphQL to the list ...




j209 commented 4 years ago

Hi Masonite is a new python web framework that has a built in integration with vue. I think deep integration between masonite and quasar can be a good idea

smolinari commented 4 years ago

@j209 - Don't spam issues please.


pdanpdan commented 3 years ago

This is not something we should do - it's up to the community to make docs/articles about how they can use their language/framework of choice.