quassy / elementary-apps

A website showcasing 3rd party software designed for elementary OS 0.3 Freya
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Use a more suitable base system / CMS #11

Closed quassy closed 9 years ago

quassy commented 9 years ago

Jekyll was intended as a blogging platform, elementary apps is turning more and more into a database / (window shopping) app store / maybe some day review site. elementary apps should be based on a dynamic, interactive, common system to manage content and invite user contributions...

orschiro commented 9 years ago


Maybe something to be discussed along the line of the new, planned eOS software center. This is what I found on the eOS Blog:


quassy commented 9 years ago

Yes, in an ideal world my site would basically be the web version of / web frontend to AppCenter, but as AppCenter will not arrive before elementary Freya+1 / Loki the wait just seems too long.

orschiro commented 9 years ago
quassy commented 9 years ago

Yes, I thought about using Gollum (git-based wiki which is also used for the GitHub Wiki system) because I wanna keep version control, plain text and the ability for people to make pull requests. Have to try it out some day...