quassy / elementary-apps

A website showcasing 3rd party software designed for elementary OS 0.3 Freya
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update FeedReader #66

Closed jangernert closed 7 years ago

jangernert commented 7 years ago
quassy commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot for your pull request 😃!

I will merge (and edit it a bit, see the code comment) it asap. Maybe you should also update your description on Launchpad to say that all development and bug reporting is now happening at GitHub.

jangernert commented 7 years ago

Updated! Btw: is it useful to have a small list of features and some additional screenshots on the app-page? Or do you think it is enough if there is a link to the website with all the information?

quassy commented 7 years ago

I'll think about providing a small list of features / more detailed description of what each app is doing. A screenshot gallery, including short videos if available, is planned for the new version of elementary apps.

By the way, is the new screenshot up-to-date? My version of FeedReader (1.6.2) has a white / light grey sidebar not a black / dark grey one.