quattor / CCM

Configuration Cache Manager
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remove '.' from @INC #181

Closed ttyS4 closed 6 years ago

ttyS4 commented 6 years ago

As described in the link below: http://search.cpan.org/dist/perl-5.26.0/pod/perldelta.pod#Removal_of_the_current_directory_(%22.%22)_from_@INC

Perls before 5.26 include dot in INC unless taint mode is enabled. Most script supplied by quattor does have taint enabled except a few.

Here I am using the recommendation to remove dot from @INC. This is safe invocation as if someone enables taint mode or upgrades perl it still does the right thing.

ned21 commented 6 years ago

@jrha @stdweird It would be good to see this in 17.12 as ncm-ccm calls ccm-fetch with a CWD of /tmp (which should probably also be changed).