quattor / maven-tools

Maven-based Build Tools
Apache License 2.0
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build-scripts requires a Perl-Critic version not available on SL6 #131

Closed jouvin closed 7 years ago

jouvin commented 7 years ago

Required minimum version is 1.118 when the available version is 1.05... This makes impossible to succeed 00-tqu.t test when present... (seen in ncm-lib-blockdevices).

stdweird commented 7 years ago

below missing rpms to be added to the external repo.

they come from http://mirror.city-fan.org/ftp/contrib/yum-repo/ and are signed, but our quattor externals repo has gpgcheck disabled. the nice people of city-fan provide the src rpms, so we could rebuild them and sign them ourself if needed

i'll mail these to @jrha @jouvin and @ned21 so they can be added to the externals repo (and testing can continue in the meantime).

with the rpms in place and https://github.com/quattor/release/pull/281 merged, build_all_repos should be able to do its magic again

jrha commented 7 years ago

I'll add them to the externals repo, but I won't sign them. It would be statement of integrity which I cannot make for external packages.

stdweird commented 7 years ago

ok. can we add a short README saying where the rpms came from (and who signed them)? i'd like to credit other peoples work (in this case the city-fan people; because i also tried but failed to make my own recent perl-critic rpms on el5)

jrha commented 7 years ago


stdweird commented 7 years ago

build_all_repos is now successful on el6 (was already on el7). el5 still gives issues, but nothing to do with missing rpms.

@jouvin feel free to close this issue

jrha commented 7 years ago

not successful or now successful?

(btw. it worked for me on sl6)

stdweird commented 7 years ago

oops, now succesful

jrha commented 7 years ago

I've corrected your comment :smile: