quattor / maven-tools

Maven-based Build Tools
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random pan annotation failures #143

Open stdweird opened 7 years ago

stdweird commented 7 years ago


# VERBOSE Namespace regex pattern (?^:^(declaration|unique|object|structure)\stemplate\s(\S+);$)
# VERBOSE Found matching template components/accounts/config type unique
# VERBOSE Found matching template components/accounts/functions type declaration
# VERBOSE Found matching template components/accounts/schema type declaration
# VERBOSE Found matching template components/accounts/sysgroups type unique
# VERBOSE Found matching template components/accounts/sysusers type unique
# DEBUG: Pan annotations called (proc panc-annotations --base-dir target/pan --output-dir target/panannotations components/accounts/config.pan components/accounts/sysgroups.pan components/accounts/schema.pan components/accounts/functions.pan components/accounts/sysusers.pan) 

#   Failed test 'No faulty pan annotation: components/accounts/schema.pan,components/accounts/functions.pan,components/accounts/sysusers.pan'
#   at /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/NCM_components/workspace/ncm-accounts/target/dependency/build-scripts/Test/Quattor/Doc.pm line 194.
#          got: '3'
#     expected: '0'

requires more debug output to see why the test thinks something is wrong (or what went wrong)

jrha commented 7 years ago

@stdweird did you get anywhere with this?

stdweird commented 7 years ago

waiting for 1.53, and then the components that already have 1.51 / 1.52 should be bumped to 1.53.

jrha commented 7 years ago

@stdweird 1.53 is available.

stdweird commented 7 years ago
# DEBUG: Pan annotations called (proc panc-annotations --base-dir target/pan --output-dir target/panannotations -v components/ccm/config.pan components/ccm/schema.pan) 
# VERBOSE Did not find annotation xml target/panannotations/components/ccm/schema.pan.annotation.xml for template components/ccm/schema.pan

so 2 pan files, 1 xml (most of the time, this gives 2 xml). (i checked jenkins, there really is only one annotation file).

this looks like a pan issue to me, and if i had to bet on something i'd say threading issue.

stdweird commented 7 years ago

after 17.3 is out, i'll switch to panc 10.4 on jenkins and try to reproduce.