quattor / ncm-ncd

Node Configuration Dispatcher Framework for Components
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add github action for tests #133

Closed wpoely86 closed 12 months ago

wpoely86 commented 1 year ago

It fails at this moment: https://github.com/wpoely86/ncm-ncd/actions/runs/3592724123

jrha commented 1 year ago

Nice, it looks like some of the tests might assume elevated permissions?

wpoely86 commented 1 year ago

I will have a look but it is running as root at this moment.

wpoely86 commented 1 year ago

I'm managed to fix one of the tests. The other one that fails is:

# 2 failed comps
$mock_cpl->mock('_mtime', sub {return $_[0] =~ m/woohaa/ ? 123456789 : 987654321});
set_state($this_app, 'woohaa', 'woopsie', $statedir);
set_state($this_app, 'ouch', '', $statedir);
is_deeply(get_states($this_app, $statedir), {
    woohaa => {
        message => "woopsie\n",
        timestamp => 123456789,
    ouch => {
        message => "\n",
        timestamp => 987654321,
}, "get_states on 2 failed components returns hashref");

@pri = qw();
eval {$this_app->main($ec);};
like($@, qr{^exit -1 at}, "report exited with failure");
ok($this_app->directory_exists($statedir), "statedir $statedir does exist 3");
diag explain \@pri;
is($pri[-3]->[0], '2 components with error', "Main report is 2 failed components");
like($pri[-2]->[0], qr{^  ouch failed on .*? 2001 \(no message\)}, "failed ouch component");
like($pri[-1]->[0], qr{^  woohaa failed on .*? 1973 with message woopsie}, "failed woohaa component");

It doesn't find the 'ouch failed' output. No clue what is the matter with this test.

jrha commented 1 year ago

I just realised that this is the same problem that has been breaking nightlies on EL6 and EL7 for a while. It works fine on EL8 though.

jrha commented 1 year ago

@wpoely86 can you change this one over to rockylinux:8 as well?

wpoely86 commented 1 year ago

@wpoely86 can you change this one over to rockylinux:8 as well?

Done, output at https://github.com/wpoely86/ncm-ncd/actions/

jrha commented 1 year ago

Awesome thanks :smile: