qubole / rubix

Cache File System optimized for columnar formats and object stores
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Lower log level of cache eviction to debug #445

Closed JamesRTaylor closed 3 years ago

JamesRTaylor commented 4 years ago

We're seeing a ton of these warning level messages about cache evictions: 2020-08-25T20:27:44.97592 2020-08-25T20:27:44.975Z WARN RemoteFetchProcessor RUNNING com.qubole.rubix.bookkeeper.FileMetadata Evicting s3a://lyft-compactevents-production/c/event_name=my_event/sparkbd30196a182a43439d94188472c442f5/ds=2020-08-16/hr=16/part-00012-a6097de2-7fae-4386-af45-8f014310c9dd.c000.snappy.parquet due to SIZE

Would it be possible to lower the log level to debug?

JamesRTaylor commented 3 years ago

Would it be possible to do this one before next release, @harmandeeps?

harmandeeps commented 3 years ago

@JamesRTaylor : yes, will fix this issue before next release.


harmandeeps commented 3 years ago

@JamesRTaylor : fixed, Thanks.

JamesRTaylor commented 3 years ago

Thank you, @harmandeeps!