Following metrics related to the Driver are now reported -
driverHeapMax => Max Heap memory allocated to the driver JVM
driverMaxHeapCommitted => Max Heap memory committed to the driver JVM
driverMaxHeapUsed => Max Heap memory used by the driver JVM
driverCPUTime => Total CPU Time allocated to the driver JVM
driverGCCount => Total major GCs happened during the lifetime of the JVM
driverGCTime => Part of driverCPUTime spent in the GC
Sample output for a simple application.
Time spent in Driver vs Executors
Driver WallClock Time 00m 11s 79.24%
Executor WallClock Time 00m 03s 20.76%
Total WallClock Time 00m 15s
DriverMetrics (driverMetrics)
NAME Value
driverCPUTime 10216.7 hh
driverGCCount 11
driverGCTime 301.0 ms
driverHeapMax 1.0 GB
driverMaxHeapCommitted 480.0 MB
driverMaxHeapUsed 308.9 MB
Following metrics related to the Driver are now reported -
Sample output for a simple application.