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is `qudt:applicableUnit` inherited along the QuantityKind hierarchy? #720

Closed VladimirAlexiev closed 1 year ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 1 year ago

If QuantityKind A ahs parent B (A skos:broader B), then does A inherit qudt:applicableUnit from its parent, or should A enumerate and repeat all applicableUnit?

VladimirAlexiev commented 1 year ago

Examination of https://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/quantitykind shows no inheritance in either direction, eg

steveraysteveray commented 1 year ago

Hi. We documented our approach here and, as you point out, in Issue #272 . The description illustrates one reason (using the case of AC power) why we don't want to use fully transitive inheritance. Specifically, while reactive power is a specialization of the more general power quantity kind, it is not correct to use the more general units (watts) when describing a value.

You are correct that we had in the past used appropriateUnit, specialization, generalization, all of which have been retired from use in the vocabularies. We should mark them as deprecated in the schema files.

We never did come to complete closure on Issue #272...

VladimirAlexiev commented 1 year ago

Thanks @steveraysteveray, that's a great answer.

More considerations:

steveraysteveray commented 1 year ago

Good suggestions. Assuming our Board is on board (heh heh), I'll make the changes. (Except I'll just deprecate the generalization/specialization just in case someone out there is using them. We're trying to never delete unless absolutely necessary).

steveraysteveray commented 1 year ago

Resolved in #721