qudt / qudt-public-repo

QUDT -Quantities, Units, Dimensions and dataTypes - public repository
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Retiring owl:sameAs #749

Closed steveraysteveray closed 10 months ago

steveraysteveray commented 10 months ago

...as it causes problems with OWL reasoners.

dr-shorthair commented 10 months ago

In some cases they may be replaced by


which probably cause less pain.

steveraysteveray commented 10 months ago

True. For now, we have qudt:exactMatch instead. In the future, if a need for one of the owl or skos relations becomes clear, a quick SPARQL query could fix that.

jhodgesatmb commented 10 months ago

Has the use of qudt:exactMatch eliminated the problem? So the new policy is that only qudt:exactMatch will be used and you have already proliferated this change throughout the schema and vocabularies? And which OWL reasoners were affected?

steveraysteveray commented 10 months ago
  1. Will know whether this has eliminated the problem with the next Release, because the graphs are retrieved from the web.
  2. Yes, the change has been made on all files
  3. HermiT