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Alignment with SI Digital Framework #862

Closed dr-shorthair closed 3 months ago

dr-shorthair commented 4 months ago

BIPM has (finally) developed a digital framework for the SI, with persistent URIs for

(Its a shame they used plurals in the URIs, but whatever ...)

The web UI is https://si-digital-framework.org/ The underlying representation is RDF, the sources are at https://github.com/TheBIPM/SI_Digital_Framework/tree/main/SI_Reference_Point/TTL

I haven't yet found out how to get RDF representations from the service - HTTP content negotiation can get JSON or XML but not RDF/XML, JSON-LD or Turtle - so I'm chasing this up with my contact at BIPM.

Nevertheless, there is an opportunity to tie QUDT definitions back to the SI reference point.

The number of individuals in the SI system are still relatively small - there are only ca. 100 units, and smaller numbers of the other things - so a manual matching process is tractable.

What matching predicate should be used?

The SI 'ontology' looks a bit simpler than QUDT so I don't expect there would be inconsistencies with sameAs, but that probably needs to be verified.

steveraysteveray commented 4 months ago

Very interesting. We will have to investigate the pros & cons, especially concerning owl:sameAs that, as you know, carries baggage.

stuchalk commented 4 months ago

I was involved in the development of the site, so let me know if I can help. Simon, I pitched for singular for the individual units, prefixes, etc. but they decided not to go with it...sigh.

steveraysteveray commented 4 months ago

@stuchalk, as you probably have seen in #865, we have been discussing the best name for the relation to point to the SI URIs. A question for you is what is the timetable for when or if the SI infrastructure will offer resolution of the URIs to computable objects in addition to html pages? (Much like the way http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/A resolves to an html page for browsers, but to a .ttl object for programs). The timetable will influence whether we will offer just an informational reference, or a computable link.

stuchalk commented 3 months ago

@steveraysteveray Thanks for the message. I have read the other thread and appreciate all of the comments. To your question, there is JSON-LD at endpoints for the units only but we are working on completing that and adding to the prefix and constants endpoints. I will let you know when this is ready for testing. Also though any general and/or specific feedback about what is currently available would be really appreciated as the development group needs to understand what the community really wants/needs. We can get on a call if you want to chat about the SIRP development...

steveraysteveray commented 3 months ago

That's good news. How do we access the units endpoint to get the JSON-LD?

steveraysteveray commented 3 months ago

No worries. I figured it out using Postman.

steveraysteveray commented 3 months ago

@stuchalk, I'm curious why your URIs sometimes contain a /SI (units) and sometimes do not (constants)?

stuchalk commented 3 months ago

@steveraysteveray that's because the units and prefixes are part of the SI, but the constants fall under the CODATA TG on the fundamental constants. Still, I also wish these were harmonized in there format.

steveraysteveray commented 3 months ago

At least there's an explanation!