queelag / fcm

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Can't Receive message #2

Closed choiman1559 closed 3 months ago

choiman1559 commented 5 months ago

I tried implementing FCM reception using this library. My implementation: https://github.com/choiman1559/electron-push-receiver

Generating & Getting token via registerToFCM is totally ok, And login, iq, heartbeat event appears normally after connect FcmClient,

However, when I send an FCM message I don't get to read the message with the following log:

FcmClient -> onSocketDataBytes -> Failed to read current message, ready for the next one.

And my FCM message is:

   "message" : {
           "token": "/*Device's token*/".
           "android": {"priority": "high"},
           "data": {}
getchardy commented 3 months ago

I am seeing a similar problem. Some of my message types are arriving okay, some are exhibiting the same error as above.

I'm getting the same problem with both registerToFCM and subscribeToFCM.

push-receiver does not suffer from this problem.

Please let me know what other info I can provide to help diagnose the issue. Thanks!

suyogshrestha007 commented 3 months ago

I have not been able to receive any messages at all using this library. This is what I'm doing.

const authSecret = generateFcmAuthSecret();
const ecdh = createFcmECDH();

  appID: '<my-app-id>',
  ece: {
    authSecret: authSecret,
    publicKey: ecdh.getPublicKey()
  firebase: {
    apiKey: '<my-api-key>',
    appID: '<my-app-id>',
    projectID: '<my-project-id>'
  vapidKey: '<my-vapid-key>'
  .catch(() => { })
  .then((registration) => {
      client = new FcmClient({
        acg: {
          id: BigInt(registration.acg.id),
          securityToken: BigInt(registration.acg.securityToken)

      client.on("heartbeat", () => {
      client.on('message', (message) => {
      client.on('message-data', (data) => {
      client.on('close', () => {
      client.on('login', () => {
        console.log("Logged in");

I only get 1 heartbeat and 1 login event after which I don't get anything. Can anyone help me? According to the docs, I should be receiving a heartbeat every 5 secs minimum.

Edit: Please ignore me: I started getting the messages after adding ece as follows:

client = new FcmClient({
        acg: {
          id: BigInt(registration.acg.id),
          securityToken: BigInt(registration.acg.securityToken)
        ece: {
          authSecret: authSecret,
          privateKey: ecdh.getPrivateKey()
choiman1559 commented 3 months ago

Solved. The problem appears to occur when re-importing and registering credentials that were previously registered and stored in storage.

This was resolved by changing to issue a new credential each time the FCM service is run. https://github.com/choiman1559/electron-push-receiver/blob/master/src/index.js

getchardy commented 3 months ago

I was already using a new credential each time so this doesn't resolve my issue. I'll create a new ticket for that.

suyog-bst commented 2 months ago

Solved. The problem appears to occur when re-importing and registering credentials that were previously registered and stored in storage.

This was resolved by changing to issue a new credential each time the FCM service is run. https://github.com/choiman1559/electron-push-receiver/blob/master/src/index.js

This doesn't seem to be a problem. I have got it to work with the same credentials each time. I simply had to re-type the credentials to their original format to get it to work.

privateKey = new Uint8Array(dataFromStorage);
authSecret = new Uint8Array(dataFromStorage); 
id = BigInt(dataFromStorage); 
securityToken = BigInt(dataFromStorage);