The current design has not finalized resistor and capacitor values for the transimpedance amplifier circuit. These need to be determined for the desired orbit so that parts can be ordered if needed.
Next Steps 🚶
[ ] Determine the correct resistor values
[ ] Research how we can determine/estimate the intensity of the sun at orbit altitude
[ ] convert above value for sun's intensity to the maximum current that can be generated by the photodiodes.
[ ] optimize the transimpedence amplifier circuit resistor values to generate a maximum voltage no higher than the ADCS OBC analog input maximum.
The ADCS OBC has not been finalized yet. It will be a low power STM32 chip, but the exact model is not yet determined. TODO ADD LINK TO TRACK THIS ISSUE
The maximum voltage should assume an error of at least 5%. So if the maximum votlage is 5V, the error would be 0.25 volts, so we should aim for a 4.75V maximum output value to account for 5% error.
[ ] Research and determine an appropriate capacitor value.
Supporting Material and Resources 📖
ADCS OBC ticket
Definition of Done 💯
The Sun Sensors design document and all other relevant charts and documentation should be updated to reflect the determined resistor and capacitor values for this ticket to be considered done.
Motivation/Description ⛰️
The current design has not finalized resistor and capacitor values for the transimpedance amplifier circuit. These need to be determined for the desired orbit so that parts can be ordered if needed.
Next Steps 🚶
Supporting Material and Resources 📖
Definition of Done 💯
The Sun Sensors design document and all other relevant charts and documentation should be updated to reflect the determined resistor and capacitor values for this ticket to be considered done.
cc: @SeanTedesco @emmapaczkowski