queerviolet / bones

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Production build before deployment #54

Open knxyzkn opened 7 years ago

knxyzkn commented 7 years ago

Hi! I have been trying to achieve the production build before deploying on Heroku. I have this React Chrome extension that tells me whether a website is using the production build or development build of React. When I use create-react-app, I'm able to achieve the production build by following the instructions they have given. However, when I use Bones, I'm unable to achieve the production build. I see that the documentation says we have to use npm start to get the production build, but I have been unsuccessful thus far. How can I do the production build before deploying to Heroku? I have a Procfile that says web: node server/start.js

chloerice commented 6 years ago

I was having this problem too, even when using the deploy heroku script. My fix/workaround is to remove build from the .gitignore temporarily and then manually deploy via the usual flow (git add . / git commit -m "[your message]" / git push heroku master) since the heroku deploy script that uses the build branch script doesn't work for me, I get an error in the console saying I tried to deploy from a non-master branch.

knxyzkn commented 6 years ago

Chloe, Thanks for your reply! I looked at .gitignore, but I didn't spot any build file there. What did you mean when you said the below?

remove build from the .gitignore temporarily