queezythegreat / arduino-cmake

Arduino CMake Build system
645 stars 216 forks source link

Did the author abandon this project? #102

Open kigster opened 9 years ago

kigster commented 9 years ago

It seems that there are a lot of open pull requests, and the last commit happened on May 4th, which is over six months ago today.

I just discovered this project due to JetBrains releasing their CLion C/C++ IDE based on cmake. If I could make CLion work with Arduino/Teensy and AVR build tool chain, I would be a wet dream come true.

So the questions are:

P.S. If you too want to see CLionn support Arduino via cmake, please add +1 to support Arduino on CLion bug tracker: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/CPP-364#tab=Comments


mdaffin commented 9 years ago

If clion supports cmake then it should support this project. That is one of the great things about cmake, any cmake project will work in just about any IDE that supports it. I have not tried clion, but I have been able to get it to work in various other IDEs that support cmake without issue.

Its hard to say if the main developer has abandoned this project, though it would be a shame if he has. 4 months is not that long a dry spell for a small project like this so it could be that he is just busy with other things.

From a quick look at the forks it does not seem like there is any other authoritative fork for this project. I have gone though some of the pull requests and the ones that look safe to merge I have merged with master on my fork. I don't have time atm to test it properly or merge in some of the larger pull requests but hopefully will resolve some of the smaller issues. For now I will continue to merge in any small pull requests, and if I find some time look at the larger ones.

kigster commented 9 years ago

@james147 thanks so much for your detailed response, and link to your fork. I'll use yours!

Also – I'd be super curious to know the results, if you end up trying CLion with cmake/arduino, and especially if you make it work.

There are no instructions on this anywhere, so this could be a great opportunity to use JetBrain's IDE for Arduino :) I've been using their IDEs for over a decade, and there is no other IDE that comes close to productivity. But for Arduino I use Eclipse for the time being.

queezythegreat commented 9 years ago

Hi all,

I'm the author of Arduino CMake and no I have not abandoned the project. I just have not had any time to work on it. I've been really busy at work and haven't been doing much of Arduino lately.

As far as the pull requests, I know they are there just haven't gotten around to pull them in. Also I figured that if somebody really needs the new functionality they can do the merge themselves.

As far as the future of the project it is hard to say. I've been planing on doing a re-design of the entire system to support the latest build system (for ARM), but I'm a little bit daunted by the task. I did start the re-design but haven't had the time or energy to do it.

In the next couple of weeks I will try to get all merge request integrated.

mdaffin commented 9 years ago

Glad to hear, I know how hard it can be to find time to work on project like this :)

I have synced my fork back with yours.

queezythegreat commented 9 years ago

I have just merged in most of the pull requests. I have one more to review...

As far as getting Arduino 1.5 support, that is something that will take some time and I can't say for certain when it will be done.

kigster commented 9 years ago

Thanks so much for doing that!

ibalashov commented 8 years ago

Is Arduino 1.6 supported?

ps. Also, subj.

JoakimSoderberg commented 8 years ago

@queezythegreat Thanks for a great project, this makes Arduino actually usable. Is this project abandoned now? A year ago for last commit and a lot of open Pull Requests.

There seems to be a lot of trivial fixes for path changes and the like, could you consider at least merging those?

And yes, I understand the work related to adding support for all the new ARM stuff, but that's a completely separate thing, I think at least keeping the basic AVR Arduino stuff working would be nice.

rngtng commented 8 years ago


kigster commented 3 years ago

What are folks using these days instead? The

Has PlatformIO taken over? Something else?

I released a Ruby gem Arli a while ago but that also didn't seem to be that popular.

tomjuggler commented 3 years ago

I think PlatformIO. At least I am now..