queezythegreat / arduino-cmake

Arduino CMake Build system
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library not found/generated #9

Closed treaves closed 12 years ago

treaves commented 12 years ago

The "Arduino Libraries" section of the documentation is a bit ambiguous. I am trying to use the ModbusMaster library. I have tried to put the ModbusMaster folder in my top-level folder, as well as my src/ folder (both of which contain a CMakeLists.txt file). In neither case is it found.

When I create a libraries folder in my top-level folder, and put the ModbusMaster folder in this folder, and create a CMakeLists.txt file for it (with the .h & .cpp), cmake does then see it, but I see this output: -- Generating ModbusMaster -- Generating Arduino ModbusMaster library

Which to me seems like it is trying to create it twice.

So, the documentation is either incorrect, or there is a defect in the project, or I'm doing something wrong. But following the #2 library note to "Place the library next to the firmware configuration file (same directory as the CMakeLists.txt)" does not seem to be working (this would be my src folder).

queezythegreat commented 12 years ago

Could you show me what your directory structure looks like....

matt-tyler commented 12 years ago

I think the easiest way (method 1) to do this would be to put the ModbusMaster Library into Libraries folder with the other standard arduino libraries. Create a folder ModbusMaster at hardware/library and copy the ModbusMaster.cpp and ModbusMaster.h into it. Should be able to declare an import statement from there and all should be well.

Though if you're dead-set on using method 2 you're going to need to post your directory structure.

treaves commented 12 years ago

My basic structure is: /OpenTroller -/CMakeLists.txt -/builds/ -/src/ -/src/CMakeLists.txt -/src/(source files)

This works, in that cmake finishes, and make fails with the first missing library, in this case ModbusMaster. The file structure is: /ModbusMaster -/ModbusMaster.h -/ModbusMaster.cpp

I have tried: /OpenTroller -/libraries/ModbusMaster/...

/OpenTroller -/ModbusMaster/...

/OpenTroller -/src/libraries/ModbusMaster/...

/OpenTroller -/src/ModbusMaster/...

In all of these cases, no change was made to CMakeLists.txt, and in all cases, the library was not found. Next, I used: /OpenTroller -/libraries/ -/libraries/CMakeLists.txt -/libraries/ModbusMaster/... and included the the cmake file in the master one. This causes ModbusMaster to be found, but as I originally posted, cmake spits out two entries for it.

queezythegreat commented 12 years ago

Very intresting... The following two directory structures should have worked:

/OpenTroller -/src/ModbusMaster/...


/OpenTroller -/src/libraries/ModbusMaster/...

treaves commented 12 years ago

I'll check in my work, and give the link to the SVN repository if you'd care to try it and help me figure out what I may have done wrong.

treaves commented 12 years ago

I am also having an issue where loop(), setup(), etc are not being found. But as I am trying to create a library, they should not be needed. I have a tarball (70k) of my entire project. It does not look like I can attach it here. Would one of you be willing to have me e-mail it to you ?

treaves commented 12 years ago

In addition to the above issue, a more serious one is that these libraries, when added with a CMakeLists.txt file, do not get added to the include path. So my src/* files, when they try to import a header from a library, can not be found.

I've committed this to https://brewtroller.googlecode.com/svn/branches/BrewTroller/cmake

This should work with Arduino IDE 0022, but, the sanguine modifications from http://code.google.com/p/brewtroller/downloads/detail?name=BTModsForArduino22%2C20110227.zip&can=2&q= will need to be added (this adds support for the sanguino boards).

queezythegreat commented 12 years ago

Thanks for making your sources available. I'll look at them as soon as I have some free time, hopefully that will be in the next few days.

As for the include search paths, when using generate_arduino_library you have to manually setup the search paths using the cmake command include_directories().

Also could you tell me what operating system your are using. I mainly use linux (Arch Linux) do my development...

treaves commented 12 years ago

I believe I have resolved this issue. It was relating to the include_directories directive. It would be nice to have that done automatically. So I'm going to close this issue, and open a new one for the above referenced code.