quemb / QMBParallaxScrollViewController

Add a parallax top view to any UIScrollView (incl. UITableViews) - #Parallax #ScrollView #TableView #Header
MIT License
873 stars 121 forks source link

Made a lot of changes, want me to adapt for a pull request? #27

Open jpmhouston opened 8 years ago

jpmhouston commented 8 years ago

I made a lot of changes for using this with a client's app that had a mapview with tableview that slides up from the bottom:

I'll put what I have into a simple fork for now, but wondered if you'll be interested in taking these changes as pull requests? If so, I'll need to re-implement some of them to be based on your code as starting point rather than the experimental hack & rewrite I did.

But if some of those changes don't fit with your ideas, then I'd rather rename my fork to avoid confusion and let it live as a new cocoapod for my client's app, from which you or any of your users can back-port any of my work as desired.

Can I get your opinion?

jpmhouston commented 8 years ago

My current fork is https://github.com/jpmhouston/QMBParallaxScrollViewController