quemb / QMBParallaxScrollViewController

Add a parallax top view to any UIScrollView (incl. UITableViews) - #Parallax #ScrollView #TableView #Header
MIT License
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Bottom Parallax view [Improvement] #3

Open RuiAAPeres opened 10 years ago

RuiAAPeres commented 10 years ago

Would it be possible to put the top parallax view on the bottom, or have an option (property flag, maybe) to put it there?

tonimoeckel commented 10 years ago

Mh should not be too hard to achieve. You need to reorder the container views in the setup method as well as the calc. of the "foreground" views frame. I only need the background view at the top, thats why I didn't put in any options for that sorry..

RuiAAPeres commented 10 years ago

Is it something you would consider putting as a flag, so people could select top/bottom?

tonimoeckel commented 10 years ago

Flag would definitely be an option! I also think about creating a subclass, as there might be a lot of different calculations. If it doesn't blow up the current frame arrangement code, the config option provides a better api I think.

RuiAAPeres commented 10 years ago

Would you consider doing it?