quemb / QMBParallaxScrollViewController

Add a parallax top view to any UIScrollView (incl. UITableViews) - #Parallax #ScrollView #TableView #Header
MIT License
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CollectionView support #5

Closed mschonvogel closed 10 years ago

mschonvogel commented 10 years ago

I would like to use a UICollectionViewController as a bottomController but it is getting its own scrollbar. Do you have any idea on how to fix that / can you provide an example with a collection view?

bildschirmfoto 2014-01-30 um 17 52 03

tonimoeckel commented 10 years ago

Yes that's strange... I had a similar problem with an UITableView and fixed it in the current develop Branch. What I did to fix this was setting up an observer for the contentSize Property of the ScrollView. Have a look a the develop branch: https://github.com/quemb/QMBParallaxScrollViewController/tree/develop This should also work with Collection Views....

mschonvogel commented 10 years ago

@tonimoeckel Thanks, that worked for me! :+1: One more thing: Normally, tableviews/collectionviews are reusing cells which are out of the viewport. I discovered that with your parallaxScrollViewController, all cells are instantiated immediately and won't be reused. Do you know a way to fix that?

tonimoeckel commented 10 years ago

Yeah you are right, this is definitely a big performance issue. It's not possible with the current layout of the parallax scrollview. I don't see and proper solution for this right now. Sry...