quentingronau / bridgesampling

R package for bridge sampling
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R session crashes (fatal error) #15

Open tfjaeger opened 5 years ago

tfjaeger commented 5 years ago

I've been fitting models with brm() from brms that I then get the marginal likelihood for via bridge_sampler(). When I run a sequence of this (brm fit, bridge_sampler), R eventually crashes with a fatal error and needs to be restarted. This often happens on the 2nd or 3rd application of bridge_sampler().

Unfortunately, I cannot post an easily reproducible example, as I have not yet figured out what causes the problem, but I wanted to state it here in case others have encountered similar issues.

‘bridgesampling’ version 0.6-0

platform x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0
arch x86_64
os darwin15.6.0
system x86_64, darwin15.6.0
major 3
minor 5.2
year 2018
month 12
day 20
svn rev 75870
language R
version.string R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20) nickname Eggshell Igloo

run through RStudio Version 1.1.442 – © 2009-2018 RStudio, Inc

tfjaeger commented 5 years ago

As I should have done straight away (apologies), I have put together a reproducible example below. The session info is still the same as above. For me, this code results in a fatal error (R crashes without any specific error message and R studio offers to restart R session) though the specific moment when it crashes seems to differ between runs.


# I've just grabbed this data generator from an old project. It generates a function that can generate
# samples of repeated measures data (repeated subject and repeated items) for a by-2 between-subject 
# and within-item design. The outcome is a binomially distributed response. The function is inelegant
# in a number of ways, but for the present purpose all it needs to do is to generate example data. 
data.generator <- function(
  estimates = cbind("Intercept" = 0, "Condition" = 0), 
  n.subj.perCondition = 1,
  n.subj = n.subj.perCondition * 2, # Total number of subjects (for between subject design)
  n.obs = 1,                        # Number of items per subject
  subject.ranef.covar = matrix(     # By default sets a simple by-subject covar with unit variance for intercept
    c(1, rep(0, length(estimates)**2-1)),
    nrow = length(estimates),
    dimnames = list(colnames(estimates), colnames(estimates))
  item.ranef.covar = matrix(        # By default sets a by-item covar with unit variance for intercept and condition
    c(1, 0, 0, 1),
    nrow = length(estimates),
    dimnames = list(colnames(estimates), colnames(estimates))
) {

  n = n.obs * n.subj 
  d = expand.grid(Subject = 1:n.subj,
                  Item = 1:n.obs,
                  Intercept = 1)
  d = d[order(d$Subject),]
  d$Cond = factor(
      c("Control", "Manipulation"),
      n / 2)),
    levels = c("Manipulation", "Control"))
  contrasts(d$Cond) = cbind("Condition" = c(1, 0))

  d %<>%
      Condition = case_when(
        Cond == "Manipulation" ~ 1,
        T ~ 0

  generate.data <- function() {
    if (all(dim(item.ranef.covar) == 1)) {
      item.adjustment <- data.frame(sapply(1:n.obs, function(x) { rnorm(n = 1, mean = 0, eval(item.ranef.covar**.5)) } ))
    } else {
      item.adjustment <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(1:n.obs, function(x) t(rmvnorm(n = 1, sigma = eval(item.ranef.covar))))))
    names(item.adjustment) <- colnames(eval(item.ranef.covar))
    item.adjustment$Item <- 1:n.obs

    if (all(dim(subject.ranef.covar) == 1)) {
      subject.adjustment <- data.frame(sapply(1:n.subj, function(x) { rnorm(n = 1, mean = 0, subject.ranef.covar**.5) } ))
    } else{
      subject.adjustment <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(1:n.subj, function(x) t(rmvnorm(n = 1, sigma = subject.ranef.covar)))))
    names(subject.adjustment) <- colnames(subject.ranef.covar)
    subject.adjustment$Subject <- 1:n.subj

    d$y <- rowSums(d[,colnames(estimates)] * (
        rep(as.numeric(estimates), n),
        byrow = T, 
        nrow = n
      ) +
        item.adjustment[d$Item, colnames(estimates)] + 
        subject.adjustment[d$Subject, colnames(estimates)]
    d$Item = factor(d$Item)
    d$Subject = factor(d$Subject)

    d$Outcome = sapply(d$y, FUN = function(x) { rbinom(1,1,plogis(x))})



# This is the function that conducts the replication analysis that will be called in the loop
# below.
fit.replication.models <- function(d.sim1, d.sim2) {

  niter = 10000 # number of iteractions for each chain of brm model
  n.bs.rep = 1  # number of repetions for each bridge sampler

  my.priors = c(
    prior(normal(0, 10), class = b),
    prior(cauchy(0, 2), class = sd),
    prior(lkj(1), class = cor)

  b.orig <- brm(Outcome ~ 1 + Cond + 
                  (1 | Subject) + (1 + Cond | Item),
                data = d.sim1, family = bernoulli, iter = niter, warmup = 1000, chains = 4, cores = 4, 
                prior = my.priors)

  # Here I would usually obtain priors for the replication analysis from the posterior of the analysis of 
  # the original data. To keep this code simpler, I am just using the same priors (so we don't expect 
  # support for replication but since the point is just that this code crashes that's ok).
  my.newpriors = my.priors
  my.newpriors.woCondition = my.newpriors[-1,]

  b.rep <- brm(Outcome ~ 1 + Cond + (1 + Cond | Item) + (1 | Subject),  
               data = d.sim2, family = bernoulli, iter = niter, warmup = 1000, chains = 4, cores = 4,
               prior = my.priors, save_all_pars = T
  b.rep.woCondition <- brm(Outcome ~ 1 + (1 + Cond | Item) + (1 | Subject),  
                           data = d.sim2, family = bernoulli, iter = niter, warmup = 1000, chains = 4, cores = 4,
                           prior = my.newpriors.woCondition, save_all_pars = T

  # Run bridge sampler
  bs.rep = bridge_sampler(samples = b.rep, cores = 4, method = "warp3", maxiter = 1000, repetitions = n.bs.rep)
  bs.rep.woCondition = bridge_sampler(samples = b.rep.woCondition, cores = 4, method = "warp3", maxiter = 1000, repetitions = n.bs.rep)

  # Store some aspects of the summary of each model, as well as the BF based on the marginal likelihoods obtained 
  # by the bridge sampler.
  s.orig = summary(b.orig)$fixed
  s.rep = summary(b.rep)$fixed
  simulation <- data.frame(
    Int.1.estimate = s.orig[1,1],
    Int.1.lower = s.orig[1,3],
    Condition.1.estimate = s.orig[2,1],
    Condition.1.lower = s.orig[2,3],
    Int.2.estimate = s.rep[1,1],
    Int.2.lower = s.rep[1,3],
    Condition.2.estimate = s.rep[2,1],
    Condition.2.lower = s.rep[2,3],
    BF = bf(bs.rep, bs.rep.woCondition)$bf



nsubj = 10
nitem = 20

# create a function that generates repeated measures data.
my.data = data.generator(
  estimates = cbind("Intercept" = 1, "Condition" = 1),
  n.subj.perCondition = nsubj,
  n.obs = nitem

# run 10 iterations of the replication simulation by comparing a original and a replication
# experiment drawn from the same ground truth.
num.sims = 10
d.sim.orig_rep = plyr::rdply(.n = num.sims, 
                             fit.replication.models(my.data(), my.data()),
                             .progress = "text")
singmann commented 5 years ago

I have tried several variations of this script (see error_jaeger.R.txt) and cannot find a solution. What appears to happen is that the first iteration of the loop runs through, but in the second iterations R crashes during the second brm call. I figured this out by adding print statements at various points and letting them print to a text file in the current working directory. Thus, R does not appear to crash during bridgesampling, but during Stan sampling.

Interestingly, R does not crash when the call to bridgesampling is omitted. brm also does not crash for the same data, if the loop is not run. Furthermore, adding various sleep statements (as suggested by Aki Vehtari) or unloading and reloading rstan does not appear to solve the problem.

I guess it is one of the notorious C++ issues (e.g., here), but it is not an issue we will be able to solve. I fear it can only be solved on the Stan side, as R appears to crash during a brm call. According to my tests, it is not primarily a bridgesampling problem.

I suggest to post a simple version of this script on the Stan discourse to let them have a go. I will leave this open and hope for updates.

tfjaeger commented 5 years ago

Thank you for checking so carefully! I have run some more test myself, and what I find is in line with you. I have revised the script to only use update() rather than brm() within the model fitting function that is called as part of the loop, and that seems to help somewhat.

I've posted on Stan discourse and will also post the results of what I'm currently testing there: https://discourse.mc-stan.org/t/avoid-recompiling-the-exact-same-stan-model-with-brms/6129/31. Thank you again for looking into this!