Closed stack00 closed 2 years ago
Do you have still the error ? Do you have more details ?
Just run it with python3 and everything will be fine.
I had the same issue. Python and Python3 (which are both Python3.9.10) failed. Machine is up-to-date.
Try running the tool with sudo
Solved using virtualenv python3.10 and modifiying:
line 6 import pymssql, pymssql._mssql, decima
hi there, could you please help me with this root@kali:~/Downloads/mssql/msdat# ./ -h Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 10, in
from Mssql import Mssql
File "/root/Downloads/mssql/msdat/", line 6, in
import pymssql, _mssql, decimal
ImportError: No module named pymssql
root@kali:~/Downloads/mssql/msdat# pip3 install pymssql
Requirement already satisfied: pymssql in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages (2.1.5)