quentinlampin / ngx-openlayers

Angular2+ components for Openlayers 4.x
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stretching problem #5

Closed FallenRiteMonk closed 7 years ago

FallenRiteMonk commented 7 years ago

I found an error that I already had in my project. Let me try to describe it: I have a page with a toggle able side bar, the rest of the page is filled with the map. Now if i toggle the sidebar the view port of the map gets changed in size, but the page content is stretched.

I fixed this problem before by adding the following to my map page:

ngDoCheck() {

I don't know if this is the best, or right solution, but it worked for me, you should have a look at it.

If you have any questions or need more info, just let me know!

quentin-ol commented 7 years ago

Could you help me reproduce it ? Are you using angular/material2, by any chance ?

FallenRiteMonk commented 7 years ago

No I'm using angular-cli and bootstrap. I created a min example: https://github.com/FallenRiteMonk/angular2-openlayers-example

just install angular-cli globaly, run npm install in the example and then ng serve and you'll have it up and running

quentin-ol commented 7 years ago

Thanks for putting up this example, I will look into it.

FallenRiteMonk commented 7 years ago

Would you like me to create a PR for this problem?

quentin-ol commented 7 years ago

Hey @FallenRiteMonk, This looks it could solve the issue but there is still a concern regarding "performances". According to the docs (https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/api/core/index/DoCheck-class.html),

ngDoCheck gets called to check the changes in the directives in addition to the default algorithm.

That means that the map.resize function might be called quite often. I'm currently reading a bit more on the Change Detection algorithm in Angular2 to help myself forge an opinion on this (if that's of interest: http://blog.thoughtram.io/angular/2016/02/22/angular-2-change-detection-explained.html).

Don't hesitate to submit a PR if you have time and your opinion is more than welcome.

Thanks again

FallenRiteMonk commented 7 years ago

I realized that it is called way to often, but since my app isn't to big that was not a problem for me.

I would really like to try my self with a fix, but sadly I'm not able to get my local version to run. I'll create an issue for that as well.

My idea for the fix would be to try it with the Renderer.listen function as described here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35080387/dynamically-add-event-listener-in-angular-2

quentin-ol commented 7 years ago

Does this issue still affects you ?

FallenRiteMonk commented 7 years ago

I'm currently working around it by not changing the size of the map, but I thought of these solutions: 1) Instead of having the height and width of the map template 100%, make it an input of the component with a default value of 100% and call map.resize on change. This way one can at least update the map manually. 2) Create a simple function to just expose this method call and let on call it by it self as here in the angular documentation.

Let me know what you think and I'd also be happy to implement one of the solutions for you!

FallenRiteMonk commented 7 years ago

I personally like the first solution better since that implementation would make a wrapper around the map unnecessary and one could just pass the size in

quentin-ol commented 7 years ago

@FallenRiteMonk I like your first solution better as well. Could you set up a PR for it? Thanks again!

quentin-ol commented 7 years ago

PR #16 fixes this issue. Thanks @FallenRiteMonk

DominikTrenz commented 7 years ago

It's not fixed for me, ngAfterViewInit isn't called in my case (flex layout). ngAfterViewChecked does work fine.

Prashanth-Thomas commented 6 years ago

Hello, i have a similar stretching issue, i am using Angular 4.

Got a hold of the map using in HTML <aol-map #map [width]="'100%'" [height]="'300px'"> in TS File of the component @ViewChild('map') map;

Tried running the following code: this.map.updateSize();

I get the following Error this.map.updateSize is not a function at .

My question is, how do i get access to the updateSize or resize function on the map in Angular 4??

mhosman commented 5 years ago

@Prashanth-Thomas in your case you can do this:

@ViewChild('map') map;

const yourMap = this.map.instance as ol.Map;

or just

@ViewChild('map') map;

LeandroFiaschetti commented 5 years ago

ngAfterViewChecked is called many times so, the performance of your application will fall. I recommend you to use events provided by ol, for example: map.once('postrender', function (event) { self.map.updateSize(); }); This works fine for me.

redor85 commented 4 years ago

@LeandroFiaschetti: Thanks a lot. This works also in a normal Angular (V8), Openlayers (V6), Bootstrap (V4) app.