quericy / one-key-ikev2-vpn

A bash script base on Centos or Ubuntu help you to create IKEV2/L2TP vpn.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Google Cloud Platform mini-howto #116

Open guoprojects opened 6 years ago

guoprojects commented 6 years ago

VM: Ubuntu 16.04LTS

1. Use SNAT could implove the speed,but your server MUST have static ip address. yes or no?(default_value:no):yes

  1. Make sure use VM's internal IP address Some servers has elastic IP (AWS) or mapping IP.In this case,you should input the IP address which is binding in network interface. static ip or network interface ip (default_value:35.201.XXX.XXX):10.XXX.XXX.XXX

3 Do you use firewall in CentOS7 instead of iptables? yes or no?(default_value:no):no

  1. The Network card interface should be the one that binds to VM internal IP address ( "ens4" in my case)
    The above content is the network card information of your VPS. [Important]Please enter the name of the interface which can be connected to the public network. Network card interface(default_value:eth0):ens4

  2. Manual edit IPv4 forwarding 检查sysctl是否开启ip_forward: 打开sysctl文件:vim /etc/sysctl.conf 修改net.ipv4.ip_forward=1后保存并关闭文件 使用以下指令刷新sysctl:sysctl -p

6 Restart ipsec

7 Make sure GCP VPC firewall rules open for all traffic both ingress and egress

wonder566 commented 6 years ago

Works well thx!